Cinder POV (Wedding Rehearsal)

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After I was thoroughly dragged through the mud by Torin I was finally aloud, by Kai, to get up and leave the horrid man. Which I did with an eagerness. I have never been much an introvert, I like to be with people but man when you talk to Torin for an hour it puts things in perspective. I am slightly irritated that Kai forced me to go to the breakfast with Torin. But Torin was the only issue, everything else was fine the food, Kai, the other diners. Even after having that experience I am a good enough person to still go to my cousin's rehearsal.

Kai pushes open the door holding it open for me, I nod to him in a very regal fashion. Kai chuckles, "Cinder what are you doing?"

I blink slowly folding my arms behind my back and turning back around to Kai, "Acting in a diplomatic fashion as Konn-daren requested."

"Stars, Cinder don't act like that." Kai laughs.

"I require further explanation, Your Majesty."

"Come on, Cinder stop it," Kai pushes me further into the room.

Winter waves at me from Jacin's side, always from Jacin's side, "Hello my dear cousin."

I nod, my hands still folded behind my back, "Good afternoon to you too, Ambassador Hayle-Blackburn."

Winter scrunches her nose, "What are you doing?"

"She is acting how Torin told her to act, I didn't think she would actually do it, she acts so different."

Winter giggles, "I know right."

Jacin glares at me, as if my very presence if effecting him in a negative way. "Have you seen Scarlet or Wolf we are just waiting for them."

I look around spotting Cress, Liam and Thorne, but no Scarlet or Wolf. Michelle on the other hand is in chair near Cress. "Um, no I haven't seen them." 

Winter turns to Jacin, "So what are we going to do, we don't know where they are or if they are even planning to come to the rehearsal."

I hate that about certain woman, they turn to their husbands for the answers to life, almost as if they are a child again turning to their parents for the answer.

Jacin shrugs, "I guess we just have to start without them?"

Kai scratches his ear. "I mean we just have to leave a space for them on either side and remember that they are coming down the aisle together so the procession will take a little bit longer with them in it."

"Are you dumb?" Thorne says from way across the room.

My head whips over  in his direction, he just had to open his mouth. We were so close to coming to the solution of continuing without Scarlet and Wolf and he just had to open his cursed mouth. I don't want to stand here and debate with him I don't have the energy to debate and practice walking down the aisle at the perfect speed. And I don't understand why Thorne must test me so.

"Nobody in here is dumb except for you Thorne." I yell, not in a harsh way, just so that Thorne can hear me from where he is sitting.

"Oh come on Cinder, that's not a nice thing to say." Cress says.

I agree, but its true. "Since you don't like Kai's plan, let us hear yours."

"I think." Thorne says loud and proud, "That we should search the city for them, you know it would be like old times. Everyone is separate from their significant other."

"What, Thorne why would we do that? It's not that we think Scarlet and Wolf are in trouble we just don't know where they are. Kind of like we don't know where your brain cells are."

Kai turns to me a smirk in his eyes, "Cinder."

I ignore him continuing to talk to Thorne, "And Michelle is still here, you know Wolf wouldn't leave his baby anywhere for a long period of time."


"Yes, Thorne, Wolf is not going to leave his child anywhere much like you wouldn't leave yours."

Thorne glares, "Fine we can do the rehearsal now instead waiting for two people who could potentially be dead in a lunar sewer right now."

Everyone nods in agreement,  finally.



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