Kai POV (Disbelief)

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I am a smart idiot if that makes any sense, dumb to disobey Cinder and smart to disobey Cinder.

But I have to do it, I have to tell the citizens of my country. I know how to be a ruler better than Cinder whether she admits to it or not.

Torin nods to me and I walk out onto the stage, head held high. I know Cinder is probably watching me, oh spades she's gonna kill me. But it feels right, just like how marrying her felt right. Well not exactly like that..........

 "Citizens I am pleased to inform you that the Throne to the Eastern Commonwealth now has an heir to the throne. Empress Selene, my wife, is pregnant." I lift my head from the podium and look out into the crowd. There is a stir in the crowd, whispering and gossiping.

I look to my side at Torin, he is staring at me in disbelief. Everyone's staring at me in disbelief.

  Keep reading to find out Kai's punishment for his insolence

Comment with a simple K for kaider and then B or G for boy or girl and then same thing for Wolflet, W and then B or G. Simple, easy, awesome.



Be Safe

EmpressOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora