Cinder POV (Rampion)

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 I feel so guilty. I controlled him none the less there is no time to feel guilty there I things to do. I pull my head back from his neck and stand up. "I am going to the engine room."

He nods at me and then falls back onto the bed groaning. He throws his arm over his eyes and then lays there, his only movement is his chest rising and falling. I stare at him for a minute. I don't know why it is just so unlike him.

I go over to my small duffel bag and take out my favorite outfit. A black long-sleeve shirt and a pair worn light blue overall shorts. The reason I like is that my tool belt fits easily around it. 

I slide all that on and look back over at Kai, he is staring at me. Heat spreads through my body and I swear I am blushing. He smiles and I wave, I don't want to kiss him. No offense but he taste nasty.

I walk out of the room and to the engine room. I don't run into anyone. I kind of wanted to but the metal is my friend. The metal in the engine room, not the ,metal on me. That has never been my friend. 

The Rampion ship is also my friend. It has always been for me. Sheltering me from the world when I needed it the most. When everyone else was against me.

I open the door to the engine room. It's empty. That's no surprise. I walk around, there is nothing in here to fix. I have done it all. This is just the only place, besides Kai's arms, that I feel at home. I look around at it, each rusting pipe my cousin. Each rusting screw my brother and sister. And I know how Thorne feels about this ship. I love her too. I love the Rampion.

That was not supposed to happen, but it did so.....

Comment with a simple K for kaider and then B or G for boy or girl and then same thing for Wolflet, W and then B or G. Simple, easy, awesome.



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