Oki 2 (not POV)

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Iko kissed Oki. So far she hadn't told anybody about her boyfriend yet and she didn't plan to. One she and Oki had only been together for a few  hours, this was just their first date but they really seemed to click. And really there was no reason to it wasn't like Iko was ever going to have to tell anybody that she was pregnant. And androids were still forbidden from marriage which meant the farthest she could go with Oki was engagement. Oki broke the kiss, giving Iko a chance to recover. She could feel her wires with electricity. "I think I ought to go now Iko, bye babe." Iko nodded and pulled Oki in for what was meant to be a short farewell kiss but developed into something of a deeply felt longing and loving shared mutually between them. Iko was so immersed in the kiss that she did not realize when Cinder walked in. She only realized that her friends were spying on her when Kai said, "Hey hey hey..........wait Iko? What is going on here?" Cinder squinted her eyes, "Iko is that you? Who am I kidding of course it is you." "Yeah you caught me. Hey Cinder, Kai. This is um....Oki we uh...um." Oki was still staring slack jawed at Cinder and Kai. He fell into an unplanned bow, "Your Imperial Highnesses, may I be of assistance to you?" Cinder shook her head focusing her gaze on Iko, "No but you can tell me why you were just making-out with Iko." "Your Majesty I hope you don't mind me asking, do you even know who Iko is?" "Oh yes me and Iko go way back. She was there the day I met Kai and I just don't seem to understand why I am just finding out about you, her boyfriend I suppose." "Cinder you and I both know that you have to keep somethings to yourself. For example: What were you and Kai doing before you came out here?" Cinder looked down, "That's none of your business, Iko." Iko stared at Cinder, she was winning. She could win this argument if she played strategically, "That's what I thought." "Yeah but I didn't hide my boyfriend from you," Cinder shouted crossing her arms over her chest. "You didn't have a choice. We were trapped on a spaceship in space. You were the one who came up with the idea to kidnap Kai, not me. Plus you know that being in love is the happiest feeling a person can ever feel, you wouldn't take that from me, would you?" Cinder snuck a glance at Kai, Iko could tell that Cinder was agreeing with Iko in her head. She hadn't accepted a verbal agreement, Cinder was too stubborn for that. Iko was filled with a victorious feeling deep down in her abdomen, but she knew that there was absolutely no way Cinder could argue against her. She knew how Cinder felt about Kai. Anybody could see it, she loved him. Cinder sighed, "I'm not mad that you found him, I just....I just wish you would have told me earlier. You owe me." Iko walked over and rested a hand on Cinder's shoulder, grinning, "Oh I think that you will find that is the other way around my dear Cinder. For starters you didn't even know that you had a crush on Kai until I informed you of your own feelings for him. If it wasn't for me you would still be in that lowly shop wishing that you had kidnaped the Emperor. I helped you realize that you had set a new record for biggest crush on Kai." Iko giggled at her own joke. "Iko, what did you say about keeping some things to yourself?" Cinder laughed nervously looking over at Kai who looked like he had just heard the best choke ever. But really he had just heard his wife's best friend expose her. It was hilarious. Iko looked at the still laughing Kai, she wasn't done exposing people yet. "Remember when you had to practice proposing on me Kai, before you did the real thing. You were scared that you would choke on your words in front of your beloved." Kai abruptly stopped laughing and it was Cinder's turn to laugh. Kai was the only one blushing as he was the only human in the royal gardens. "Iko has the scoop on everything!" Cinder said, still laughing. "Nope I'm just a love story expert, in the right place at the right time, you know," Iko peeped trying to stay humble but even she was taken aback by the amount of secrets she had on Cinder and Kai. And what they had just heard was barely scraping the surface of what she knew. Cinder smiled at Oki, "Welcome to the crew but you should know if I so much as think that you are hurting Iko I will not hesitate to take your personality chip, step on it and then burn it." "Of course, Your Highness. Thank you." Oki backed away from them in a low bow. "He seems sweet." Cinder sighed dreamily. "Not as sweet as me, of course." "Shut up, I'm already married to you." Iko laughed, "You two are too cute, I'm going to go to bed." Iko left the garden going back inside the palace, contempt that she had finally shared her little secret. Cinder now knew of the man that she was in love with.

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