Cinder POV (Answering the question we both have)

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I am so lost in my thoughts when Thorne enters the kitchen he shoves me out which only slightly registers. It is a constant inward battle whether or not to- 

I walk right in to someone at the corner, "Hey." I curse under my breath.

When I finally gain my wits again, which has been taking longer than it usually does these days, given my nausea, I see Kai. The very man who has been on my mind for the past hour. "Oh, Kai."

His eyes search me as if they are looking for something that they know is there.

I tuck a bang behind my ear, once again feeling like the naïve girl wondering around the palace with a big crush on the crown prince. "Kai.....sorry I wasn't looking where I was going."

He shakes his head smiling softly, "It's fine, I guess we were both caught in thought."

I nod slowly, now or never. "Um, Kai. There is something I needed to tell you."

Kai swallows, glancing to the side for a second, "Yeah, I have something to tell you too."

He has something to tell me too? Now I was not expecting this, what if Kai already knows. Well, speculate none of us know anything for sure, other than the fact that I had a miscarriage last time. I take sharp breath, "You can go first."

Kai looks surprised at first but calms down quickly, "No, I insist. Ladies first."

I smile spreads across my face against my will, "Don't ladies-first me."

"Bu-" Kai starts.

I glare at him, "Just go already at some point you are going to have to tell me anyways." The same could be said about me, but Kai better not argue.

"Alright, alright." Kai looks down to the ground. "You have to promise me that you will not take this personally, but Cinder, you have been acting a little these few days and....." He stalls meeting my gaze for a second before looking away again. "And I am not the only one who has noticed it, some of the others on the crew have noticed to too, and Cinder." He meets my gaze, holding it this time, "We all thing you are pregnant."

So he speculated as I speculated.

I blink, once, twice, three times. "Me too."


I say it slowly, trying to understand the words coming out of my own mouth, "I think I am pregnant too."

Kai drags in long breath, "Well, do you know for sure yet?"

I shake my head, "I was waiting to tell you."

Kai smiles, taking both of my hands in his, "I am here now."

"Okay, okay. I am going to do it, but I have to stand really still."

Kai nods, and I start the test for abnormalcy.

The funny things is that I don't know what I want the outcome to be. I would be perfectly fine with whatever outcome. But, I know in y heart that Kai, want it to be positive. Not that I would lie to him to make him happy but, knowing what he wants.......

Green text flashes in the corner of my retina display, the answer to the question we both have. Right there in green text.

Abnormalcy detected; cause: maternity.

I suck in a breath refocusing on Kai, standing right in front of me. I concentrated on me like I am the only thing in the world. "We were right Kai, I am pregnant."

I wide grin creeps across his face and he grins at me, "I knew it."

I raise an eyebrow to him, he shakes his head and gathers me up in his arms holding me tight to his chest. I allow my self to smile, to be happy that I am getting another shot at this motherhood thing.

I let out a breath as Kai lets me go and me stare into each others smiling eyes for a few seconds before we devour each other.

I am not going to comment on that last sentence.

And also I owe you guys a big apology because I have not been posting at all and the reason it that I procrastinated and then I had to do my whole project in a week which should have been done over a few months.......well that's over now and I will be posting everyday and if not that at least every other day.



Be Safe

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