Cinder POV (Torin 2)

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I really don't want to see Torin right now, at all. I actually would like to sleep in my bed for a few extra hours before this rehearsal. At least we actually have to this rehearsal, Thorne rehearsing no, but Jacin and Winter rehearsing makes sense. I mean he has world leaders coming to his wedding. But I guess if you asked Thorne he would say that he had world leaders going to his wedding, meaning me and Kai, which, I don't count. But Torin, now at 8:00 in the morning. That is what I call an ungodly hour. 

Non the less here I am standing front of the door to the surprisingly full dinning room in some stupid floral dress that Iko forced me to wear. 

"Come on, Cinder. We can't stand here forever." Kai tugs on my hand.

I glare at him, "Yes, we can."

"Cinder, you are just delaying this." Kai pulls my are again and I wonder is I can install a software that would let me detach my arm at a thought. That would be useful in this situation. But I am not that cold.

"Fine." I let him pull me into the dinning room to the table where Torin is already sitting down and casually sipping at his morning tea. Who drinks tea? 

"Good morning, Torin." Kai says politely, more politely then I could ever dream of being in the morning.

Torin looks up and smiles, "Good morning, Your Highnesses."

I glance at Kai to avoid eye contact with Torin, Kai nods, still smiling at Torin.

He makes a move forward and pulls out a chair for me, right across from Torin. I look at Torin and sit in the chair.

He takes a bite of something reminding me that this is a buffet and I have an excuse. "Oh uh, I have to go get my food." I make a move to stand up.

Kai pushes my shoulder back down, "Oh no, I will get your food for you."

I glare at his back as he walks away. Only when I can't see him any more do I let out a loud breath and turn to Torin sinking down in my chair.

Torin smiles at me like I am a child, "I see you and His Majesty are getting along again."

I nod, "We always do."

Torin makes a face that I can on describe as the kind of face that a wolf would make at its pray and shakes his head, "No, not always."

I glare at him, "We aren't the same person, there are going to be disagreement."

"I know that, I just wanted to make sure that you guys are doing okay."

I squint at him, anger building in my abdomen, "You don't even care about how we are doing, you just care about whether or not Kai is doing his work."

"Yes, I do care."

"No, you don't, don't lie to me."

"I am not lying, if you would just let me explain. To you my reasoning." He looks at me. I press my lips together forbidding any words to come out. "I care a lot about His Majesty, and he cares a lot about you. And you know that it hurts to see people you love in pain, and when you break his heart it breaks mine."

"Whoa whoa, hold up there I didn't break anyone's heart."

Torin raises his eyebrows, "How would you explain it then?"

"What did Kai tell you?"

Torin shrugs, "He did something and you got mad, typical couple's fight."

"Yes, so why do you think it is my fault."

Torin shrugs again, "You didn't seem to be as effected by the fight as His Majesty."

"Because guilt and anger manifest in different in different ways. I was angry and Kai was guilty, which he should have been."

Torin looks at me in a way that makes me think that he thinks I am lying. I am not, you were there. But this moron, who by the way, is here to guide Kai on decisions to make for the entire country. I would be a better advisor, not that I don't advise Kai already.

The chair beside me is pulled out, and then the food which I assume is mine is placed in front of me. I glance over at Kai as he slides into the chair with a stupid grin on his face. He meets my gaze and the smile only grows. He leans closer to me and whispers, "You look absolutely miserable." 

I glare at him as he scoot back into his space, "I am." 

Kai shakes his head, "It is a new day, Cinder."

I turn to him, "I have been dreading this new day since last night."

"Is this even that bad?" Kai raises and eyebrow to me.

"Yes, yes it is."

Torin leans forward glancing between us, "What is that bad?"

I glare at him, "Nothing."



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