Thorne POV (Spades, aces and stars)

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Cinder really is obnoxious, she just interrupt my personal time with my fiancé like that. I don't interrupt her and Kai's business.

I look back to Cress who is sitting against the back board smiling at me. I smirk, "What are you smiling about?"

She giggles, "I don't know, don't you ever just feel happy." 

I scoot back so that I am sitting right next to her, I kiss her cheek, "All the time Cress, all the time."

She leans into me with a sigh, placing her cold hand on my bare chest, "I love you, Thorne."

I chuckle, "I love you too, Cress."

And I know what you are thinking, how many times can two people tell each other that they love each other? And to you I say you have never been in love, and you have never been in my situation before. Engaged to someone you are pretty sure you don't deserve and then to hear them say that they love you just as much as you love them, it's refreshing.

Kai POV:

I walk down the hallway toward my room and push open the door. Scarlet is sitting in their chair in the center sleeping  with a sleeping baby in her hands. 

I smile.

Then my gaze shifts over to Wolf, his arm slung over Scarlet's leg watching me silently.

"Um, Wolf." I whisper.

He nods.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" 

He nods and hops out of his bed barely missing the top bunk railing. He walks smoothly over to me, "So what is it?"

"Um," I look down to the floor thinking about what I want to say because in general it is kind of weird to come to your best friend to ask him if he thinks you wife is pregnant. I suck in a breath, "I think Cinder is pregnant."

He nods as if this is common information and urging me to go on as if that was not the main point.

"That's it Wolf."

"Oh," He rocks back on his heels, "Well, then why are you telling me this?"

I shrug, "I don't know maybe you will agree with me or something."

Wolf surprises me with a glare, "Why are you asking me? I am not Cinder, you need to talk to your wife not me. I mean I am you friend and I will always be there for you but Kai," He rests a heavy hand on my shoulder, "You need to talk to Cinder."

I take a breath, "Now?"

Wolf shakes me lightly with one hand, a smile spreading across his face like this is funny to him, "Yes, Kai. Now."

Thorne POV

I continue to pull Cress closer and closer to me and then when she is right on top of me I slide down bringing us both down to the level ground of the Captain's bed.

Cress giggles, "What are you doing Carswell?"

What am I doing? I kiss her softly at first but the intensity and passion growing as the kiss goes on. And right when it is about to get serious, again, the door swings open. I break the kiss but keep Cress close.

Liam squeals and runs out to the bed. He crams himself in-between me and Cress a giggling mess. 

I turn to him, "Liam, what are you doing? I thought I told you to stay out of here until dinner."

He looks up at me a grin still plasters on his face, "I was but then Oki started tickling me and I started running because.....I'm very ticklish okay." He says the last part a little louder.

I look up from him to the still open door, and there stands Iko's boyfriend in the thresh hold of the door cringing  at us, "Sorry."

I take a breath trying not to growl at him, "Get out of here."

He parts his lips, then turns around and walks out of the room muttering something.

Liam looks from me, in my boxers, to Cress, in her bra and underwear. "What are you guys doing?"

I roll my eyes and nudge him out of the bed, "Leave."

"I'm not going anywhere." Liam crosses his arms over his chest, his gaze shifting between me and Cress.

I glare at him. 

"You didn't answer my question, what are you guys doing?"

"Liam," Cress says in the most stern voice I have ever heard from her, directed at Liam. But it still sounds so sweet and melodic. "Please leave the room, I will come for you in a few minutes just give me and your father a few minutes."

I turn back to her, "A few minutes?"

She blushes, "Well, more than a few minutes. Just give me and Thorne a little bit of time."

"I am going to get out of here I want you to answer my one question."

I glare at him, "William Carter Carswell get out of this right now."

Liam's eyes go wide and he jumps out of the bed and runs out of the room.

I let out a breath feeling guilty, and shift around to look at Cress. She is pressed against the backboard, her teeth clenched, her hands pressed against her small bump and her eyes closed.

 "Cress," I reach over to her, pulling her closer to me.

"I'm fine." She scoots closer to me.

I kiss her forehead. "Are you sure?"

"Mm hm," She presses her face into into my chest. She takes a big breath, pauses and then volts herself out of my arms and out of the room.

"Spades, stars and aces." I throw my legs over my bed.

I jog down the hall, still only in my boxers, nearly running into Liam, sitting on the side of the bathroom door glaring at the wall across the hall, "Mommy is throwing up in there."

I look at the door already feeling nauseous but I shove the feeling far down as I open the door. But Cress isn't bent over the toilet she is frowning at herself in the mirror.

"Hey, Cress." I say softly.

"I know, I know I shouldn't have done that." She yells. 


"I didn't mean to Thorne I just thought that  I had to throw up and I didn't want to do it in there so I came running over here. And-" Tears start to pour down her cheeks and she covers her face, "I am trying really hard Thorne."

"Cress," I move closer to her, "I know you are doing your best and I am proud of you. You shouldn't blame yourself for anything."

And because the universe has never been my biggest fan they decide to let Cress have another mood swing.

She takes a step away from me, glaring, "Leave me alone, you don't know what this is like to be pregnant, you don't even care about me. All you care about is getting me in your stupid freaking bed, Carswell." And with that Cress brushes past me and down the hallway.

Moody, moody moody.

Spades, aces and stars, help me

That was really fun to write 



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