Kaider POV (Pregnant)

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Kai POV:

Oh great stars above I am freaking out. What is taking Cinder so long, how long can it possibly take to pee on a stick. I know she knows whether she is pregnant or not, I can feel it. She is processing it still. Which you know I am all good for Cinder not having a mental break down in front of me so let her gather her thoughts. But must it take so long. If she is pregnant than it is technically my child to, not just hers. I want to know, I want to process it with her.

Aw spades I would love to have a little girl. Not that I have anything against boys, but a little princess with Cinder's big brown eyes.......

 I can't take it anymore I move towards the door and knock on it for the 2nd time. "Cinder, please come out here."

I hear her shuffling around in the bathroom. She takes a loud deep breath and then she opens the door wide. 

I lean in, "So...."

I look at her, she looks like she wants to out shine the stars with a grin but she is holding it back. "I'm pregnant, Kai."

Cinder POV:

The words echo in the space between us for a minute. I stare at Kai, I am excited, ready to open a new chapter in our lives together. But is Kai ready for this. I want to grin, scheel and celebrate.  But is Kai ready for this. I want to run down the halls telling everyone of the news.  But is Kai ready for this.  I look at him and he looks at me both of us trying to understand the other's feelings before displaying our own.

The corners of Kai's eyes crinkle upward slightly and I know he is happy like me. Happy for me.

Then I am grinning, hugging, kissing. All so fast. All so happy. All because I'm pregnant.

Yes this may be a tad cringe but wait it gets better.



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