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I look over at Cinder she is as beautiful and simple as ever. I want her to run into my arms and kiss me but given the current circumstances of being surrounded by the Rampion crew I guess that won't be happening anytime soon. Yes I love everyone on the Rampion and wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice for them, that being said I wouldn't make-out with Cinder in front of them. Yes I get that they are family and all but would  you make out in front of your family? That's what I thought. I rock back on my heels and try to focus on what is going on here. Wait why  are we here? I focus back in and try to hear what is going on but I can't, I must have already missed the bulk of whatever Thorne is saying with my daydreaming about Cinder. Cinder looks over at me eyes questioning. She has no idea what is going on either, at least I'm not alone. I just purposed to Cinder, yes finally I did it. Nobody knows yet, except for us of course. I can't take my eyes off her, something about being engaged to someone makes you want to kiss the living stars out of them.

"Hello Earth to Kai." Thorne snaps in front of my face. I focus in on him momentarily forgetting who everyone in the room is. I look at him and then everybody in the room and then Cinder, she's giggling and whispering something to Iko. No doubt about me. Iko starts to smile and I snap my gaze right back to Thorne.

"I'm here." 

"Really, because it seems like you are more over there." Thorne says pointing directly at Cinder.

Cinder looks up from her conversation with Iko and gives me a flashing grin. I grin she knows will take my breath away. I swallow willing myself to forget this beautiful woman who has now become such a big part of my life. I glare at Thorne, "My eyes can be wherever they want to be."

Thorne chuckles, "Yeah sure anybody but my Cress, and I guess Scarlet now that she is married. And Winter because you know her and Jacin are secretly dating the other but to scared to admit that they both have feelings for one another. But hey at least your eyes are on your girlfriend....... or shall I say fiancee." 

I look at Thorne wide-eyed and I can feel everyone in the room's gaze shift to me and Thorne. I try to sound a normal as possible which means I slip into my Emperor voice, which means they no I'm lying. "What are you talking about Thorne."

Winter steps in between me and Thorne grinning, "Oh Kai you did it didn't you, you proposed to Selene." 

I look at Winter and then at Thorne and then a Cinder, she is oblivious to the conversation. She is showing her engagement ring off to Iko. I sigh, I'm not ready to share, "It is Scarlet and Wolf's day." 

I look over to where I last saw Scarlet but I don't see them I squint over in the direction rescanning the place and I see Scarlet laying on the couch, this can't be good. I clear my throat loudly and she turns around along with everybody else. Scarlet pushes up, and I hear a grunt, Wolf. "Being a newly wedded does not give you a pass to be too lazy to go up to your room," Thorne chuckled.

Scarlet blushed and crawled carefully off of Wolf. "Sorry guys, I guess I got a bit carried away...." Wolf sat up his shirt was off and but thankfully that was the only thing.

Thorne decides that now is a good to say something, I disrespectfully disagree, "Oh don't worry that will be Kai and Cinder in a few hours won't it Emperorness." Thorne slaps me on the back grinning at Cinder who was at this point paying u all of her attention.

"What did I miss," Scarlet whined not being able to take her ignorance anymore.

Thorne looked over at Scarlet still grinning, "Well Kai here has been giving us some not so subtle hints that he has proposed to Cinder, like  staring at her like she is the only thing to look at. But you know there's always me if you want to give you eyes a break from Cinder," I glare at him but he continues to smile at me. I look back at Cinder who is slowly drifting over to where I am with Iko. I look around everybody is staring at me expectantly, what am I supposed to do. I look at Cinder who is looking at me like she doesn't have a first clue about what is going on, just like the others.

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