A splendid day with Wolflet, and maybe more

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Gonna admit it up front, this chapter is low key kinda cringy

Third Person

They had all left and all of a sudden Scarlet and Wolf were left alone in their home to clean up. "Hey Wolf," Scarlet said, walking over to the kitchen to find . 

Wolf peeped out the kitchen and smiled, "Hey Scarlet.....how are you feeling". 

"I am glad that I got the wedding thing over with....... I mean I am happy to be married but you know those press people were killing me. I just couldn't with them. I thought about going out and murdering one of those girls when Kai came, you know but I had to stop myself. Ugh...... I am really glad that we are married though". Wolf rubbed his nose against Scarlet's and then kissed her lightly. 

"Hey Scar", Wolf said, stepping out of the kitchen completely, "You want to go upstairs?" 

"Why, what's up stairs?" Scarlet said, wrinkling her nose. 

"Nothing but a nice cozy bed..." Wolf said wrapping his arms around Scarlet, he smiled devilishly down at her. 

Scarlet gasped, realizing what Wolf was saying but then she too grew a smile, "Sure I guess if you want to.....um.....yeah sure we can go upstairs". Wolf pulled Scarlet up the stairs by her arm. Wolf burst into their room victoriously and shut the door behind Scarlet. Scarlet took off only her shirt and shorts and walked over to the bed in anticipation. 

Scarlet flopped down on the bed like a dead person. "I will never look at this bed the same, it's like we are breaking the bed in like a new pair of shoes" Scarlet looked over at Wolf who had just taken off his shirt. 

"Why are shirts so freaking small" Wolf said, throwing his shirt across the room. The shirt hit something off the counter, Scarlet's grandmother's brooch. The pendant hit the grown and stayed in one piece mostly, a bit of the gold paint chipped off upon the impact of the ground. Scarlet launched herself at the brooch but Wolf still got there first. Wolf let Scarlet pick up the brooch tenderly and hold it to her heart. Wolf looked away, he could've destroyed himself at that moment. He probably felt worse than Scarlet. 

"I am so Scarlet........I'm gonna.....I'm gonna go water....i don't know but Scarlet I am sorry you don't know how sorry I am Scar". Wolf got up and left the room hating himself for everything he had done within the last ten seconds. He had ruined Scarlet's life, killed everything she had loved and she still loved him for some reason. He had destroyed one of the few things Scarlet had left from her grandmother. Wolf walked out to the flower bed and picked a few flowers, he planned on giving them to Scarlet even though she could just as easily pick them herself, it was the thought that counted. 

She walked outside, still wearing only a bikini and Wolf instantly tensed but she was smiling. "Wolf don't beat yourself up about it" Scarlet said, placing a gentle hand on Wolf's shoulder. "I was able to fix it good as new" Scarlet held the brooch up to Wolf so that he could see it. She really had fixed it, it looked just like how it had on their wedding day. 

"I'm sorry Scar, wait- why are you wearing no clothes" Wolf's I widened when he dared look at Scarlet and realized that she was wearing the same amount of clothes that she had been when he had left her. 

"Hey you're not wearing a shirt!!! I was trying to fix it, I didn't have time to put on clothes. Plus you are the only one out here. And if those reasons weren't enough for you I was also scared that you might commit suicide." 

"I am a man Scarlet I do not have...." Wolf said trailing off looking at Scarlet's boobs with an intense look. If he hadn't messed with her grandmother's brooch maybe he would've been playing with them right now. 

"So I am wearing a bra?" Scarlet smiled for no reason. Scarlet looked down at Wolf's hand and saw the flowers, she reached for Wolf's hand and took them. "Aww are these for me?" Scarlet smelled them like she had never smelled them before. Really though she smelled them everyday when she went out to the garden in the morning, but they had taken on a new more romantic smell. "They're perfect Wolf" Scarlet kissed Wolf on the cheek. "And now I guess this when I ask you if YOU want to go upstairs, Wolf." 

Wolf's smile returned, "Really even after I ruined your grandmother's brooch." 

"Now both of the people I love the most have left their mark on something I love. Plus I know you want to." 

"I guess if you still want to...." 

"Of course I do" and this time Scarlet lead them to the bedroom.

What did I say, cringe, cringe, cringe

Also later in the series I use the same kind of thing because I put this in after I had already written 98 chapters so I didn't really know I was putting it in until.....So if you see some recurring things (just from this chapter) that is why



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