Cinder POV (Purpose)

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Everything is a matter of perspective.

I take back everything I said about Torin, he is a great man. But these ladies, these ladies who run the royal advisory, these are the devils of the palace. They are the ones I don't want to wake up to meet with. I mean, maybe not all of them are bad, but the collective vibe they give of......Not something I want to wake up to.

"So, Your Majesty, it is up to you what you do during your time as Empress, chose wisely because when people think about Empress Selene your mission is also what you think about. Your husband's mom, her mission was to eradicate the virus, but we all know how that went."

I feel my cheek twitch.

"Anyways," She shuffles the papers on the table, which I don't know why she has. I certainly was not given any papers.

"So, I can choose anything?" I lean forward, meeting the eyes of each woman at the table.

She makes to sneer but catches herself, "Yes. Your Majesty."


The door burst open and in walks my husband, the Emperor, Kai. "Good morning."

"Kai, what are you doing here?"

He shrugs walking over to me, "Slow workday today, I wanted to see what you were up to."

"But I thought Torin said we had to buckle down."

"He said that we can't leave the palace, I am still very much in the palace."

I laugh nervously, "Okay, well I was just about to make the decision as to what my, uh, thing is going to be."

"Also didn't want to miss the big announcement," He winks.

I roll my eyes turning back to all the other people in the room, "You already know what it is." Everyone else in the room is grinning at Kai like he is a trophy they have won.

Kai slides into the chair next to me still smile, he gives me a big, long, hard, kiss. "Let's hear it then."

I let out a breath, knowing that my next breath is going to define the rest of my life. What I wake up to do in the morning every day, whether I am remember as a good Empress or a bad one. "I want to focus on stopping discrimination against cyborgs and opening up earth to Lunars with the device."


Kai rubs my back, "That sounds like a great mission for you."

I do not respond; I keep my eyes on the leader of the advisory. I want to know what she has to say about this.

She chuckles nervously, "Alright, that sounds good. When would you like to the press about that?"

"The press?"

"Yeah, somebody has to tell them, best coming from you."

"Why can't we just release a statement?"

The lady stands up picking up her folders, "Would you prefer us do that?"

"You write it and let me read it before you release it." I narrow my eyes.

She chuckles coldly, "Of course, Your Majesty. We'll get that done for you in time for the evening news."

I nod looking down at my hands folded together on the table, "Thank you."


I collapse on the couch in Kai's office shaking my head, "I don't know how you do it Kai, women around here are crazy."

Kai chuckles tilting his head to from his desk, "And that is why I married someone from outside the palace, not as crazy."

"Uh," I sit up and look at him, "I am not crazy."

"I didn't say that."

"Right," I nod, laying my head back on the couch. "I am going to get back the sleep that I was robbed of earlier. Because apparently 9:30 is an appropriate time to be awake."

"Really Cinder, you are still talking about that?"

READ the Notice below or you're going to be very confused and lost

"Of course, I am, how do I know that I made the right decision for my mission, I was working of very minimal hours of sleep. So, I am going back to sleep that I can think about it when I wake up."

"Okay, then......sweet dreams I guess."

I roll over and fall asleep.

Notice!!! Apparently, there is a limit to how many chapters you can have in a story and I have met that limit. So, I will be continuing this story in a different story 'Luna'. You can find this second part by searching up my username sara2400north or clicking on my profile like which should be on the left side of your screen.



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