Jacinter POV (Procrastination)

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Jacin POV

I don't know what you want to call it, but I am failing drastically at everything I have ever succeed at since the war. First two weddings, fantastic, went as planned but now I am out of ideas. Nothing makes any sense any more. And Thorne and Cress's wedding is in two weeks, as far as everyone else knows the wedding is planed. Has been for the last two month, only me and Winter know that.....things aren't exactly going as planned. Well we are trying to make them go as planned, but it's just not.........

Winter POV 

Jacin is cracking under the pressure, I don't know how else to say it. So, I am going to help him like a good fiancé would. I rest a gentle hand on his shoulder, "Jacin, stop stressing over the theme, you will figure something out. I know it."

He looks at me, "I don't even know where to start."

"Well," I say taking a seat next to him on our bed, "You're planning Thorne's wedding, why don't you start with the Captain himself?"

Jacin looks away, "Yeah, I guess I should go talk to him....but what if he gets mad that it's not already planned?"

I shrug taking his hand in-between my two hands, "Thorne can not get mad at you for planning his own wedding for free."

A hint of a smile spreads across his face, "Okay." He stands up straightening his clothes before he walks out of the room.

Jacin POV

I don't know what I would do without Winter, I love that girl. 

I pick up port and call Thorne, he appears, standing in the Rampion kitchen leaning against the newly installed counter top his arm thrown around Cress's waist. Liam no where to be seen.

"Hey pretty boy." Thorne shatters my thoughts.

"Hey, Thorne I just had question to ask you."

He raises an eyebrow to me to me, "What?"

"Well I was wondering, because I was just finalizing the wedding plans," I lie, it's easy enough to convince myself that I am pretty much done because soon I will be, because soon I must be. "Is there any particular theme you would like for your wedding?"

Thorne squints at me lifting his arm back over Cress letting her go but she stays right next to him. "That sounds like something you would need to know from the start."

That is exactly why I am asking you from the start.

 I shake my head frantically, swallowing the rising truths, "No, no, you wouldn't know this but you plan weddings backwards, details last."

Perfect question his knowledge and there is nowhere else he will go but straight where you want him.

Thorne chuckles, eyeing me, "Of course I knew that I was just testing your knowledge." And maybe it is the fact that I seem to have beaten Thorne in front of Cress on his prized ship but I feel cocky, and that is an emotion I haven't felt since Winter said yes.

"So any preferences?"

He looks at Cress, "Me, personally? I am fine as long as the wedding is hear and kept to a minimal attendance, you?"

"I thought your parents were coming," Cress cranes her neck to Thorne, "I thought it might be nice to meet your parents."

Thorne cringes looking away from Cress and back me, "Yeah so we're good.......looking forward to it. Pick you guys up in a week?"

I swallow, "Yeah that sounds great." I hang up and walk back into the other room, Winter is sitting on the foot of the bed crying. "Winter," I say, continuing my stroll towards her. "Why are you crying, are you alright?"

She looks up to me wiping her noes with the back off her hand, "I just remembered that I forgot to reserve the venue you requested for the Carswell's wedding. And now it is to late and everything is messed up because of me."

I quicken my paste towards her, when I reach I kneel down in front of her taking her hands in between mine. "You didn't mess anything up, Thorne said that the wedding is happening on the Rampion ship."

Winter blinks at me, "How long have you known this for?"

"Just found out, and Thorne's parents are coming too so we have to plan a wedding from start to finish in one week." I look Winter in the eyes, "I think we can do it."

She bends down rubbing her nose against mine, "I agree, let's get to it."

I didn't really know what to name this chapter but I figured this is a suitable name because they did wait until the last week to start planning.



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