Thress POV (Sleep)

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I pull Liam onto my lap stopping him from once again messing up my screen. Thorne glares at him but then looks back at the screen frowning, "Maybe we should have let Winter and Jacin go first. This wedding plan is sucking up all of my captainly energy."

"Well we have to plan this thing because no body else will."

Thorne's head droops down even further, "What about Winter and Jacin?"

"They are planning their own wedding. And we can't hirer a planer because we don't have the money to do that."

Thorne looks at me confused, and speaks slowly "Our best friend are royalty and we don't have money?"

I nod.

"Oh stars where is Kai when I need him?"

"Uncle Kai is a very cool man." Liam chimes in.

I kiss his forehead, "That is right, daddy is just a bit frustrated right now. Do you want a cookie?"

Thorne looks up at me, "A cookie, really Cress?"

I deflate a little, "Yeah what's wrong with giving him a cookie?"

Thorne looks at me intensely, "Cress we are running out of money for all you know we might have to live off of those cookies."

I look at him pushing Liam gently off my lap and standing up, "Are you okay? I think you need to go to sleep."

Thorne shakes his head, "No, I am not going to sleep until the wedding is planed. It has to be perfect for you."

"Thorne you need to sleep or nothing is going to happen, both of us need to be at full brain power to plan this thing."

Thorne looks at me again contemplating.

My stomach rolls and I feel food going to wrong way, up. I drop Liam's hand  and run out of the room. 

Thorne POV

I admit it, I am a terrible husband to be. I can't even plan a descent wedding for the woman I love. Cress murmurs something sweetly to me and then all of a sudden she is out of the room.

I look down at Liam and he is staring at the door, "What happened to mommy?"

"I don't know son. But let's find out........soldier ready." Liam turns to me standing straight in a salute, "March." He starts to walk towards the bathroom the fast pace I have taught him.

I really am amazing, I have taught my three year old son to march in line like a solider. 

We make it to the bathroom and all I can hear is Cress convulsing. Which is not exactly my favorite sound and the fact that it is Cress doesn't make it any better. "Stand guard solider." I breathe. Liam backs up against the wall still in salute.

I stare at the door for a second before I force myself to push it open. "Cress?" She is kneeling over the toilet gagging and holding her stomach. "Cress!" I crash onto the ground holding Cress's hair up for lack of anything better to do.

Finally she stops, and falls into my chest. I brush her shaggy bangs out of her face as she take a shaky breath. 

I scoop her up off the ground and burst out the door. Liam's stone face immediately turns to worry. "Is mommy okay?"

Cress shifts over smiling weakly at Liam, "I am fine I just feel a little bit sick."

I start walking down the hallway towards our room and Liam in tow. I lay Cress down on the bed. "Are you okay Cress?"

"Yes, I am fine."

"Aces you scared me Cress."

Cress POV

I rub my sensitive stomach as Thorne and Liam stare worriedly back at me. "I am fine guys. It was just the baby"

Thorne POV

You know is all this time I had almost forgotten that Cress was pregnant but it all comes crashing back to me. I will have another child in 6 months, I need to do better. There are a lot more days like this to come and I need to help in anyway I can.

Cress POV

"Are you sure." Thorne says resting a gentle hand on my hand over my stomach. "Is there anything I can do?"

 I think about it looking at Thorne, his baggy eyes. I hold my arms out to him, "Cuddle?"

Thorne looks back at Liam, "Dismissed solider, you will find your reward in the cockpit under the captain's chair."

Liam's eyes go wide and he runs out of the room shouting his thanks. Thorne looks back to me a smile growing. He lowers himself down on my careful not crush me. I smile  as he roles over leaving his body protectively shielding mine from the dangers of the world like it always does.

"I love you, Thorne." I whisper.

He buries his head in my neck, "I love you too."

And finally we get some well deserved sleep.

That was fun to right

Now I need to go get some sleep



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