Kai POV (The public)

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I have been meaning to ask her this for a while now. Well not that long seeing as Cinder has only been pregnant for five months. Anyways that's not the point, I think it is time for us to tell the public. I mean it has been five months. Five whole moody months. We have to tell the public at some point the day of the birth we can't just be like, 'Yeah global trade is blossoming oh and by the way the Eastern Commonwealth now has an heir to the throne.' Like no we have the give the people some time to adjust. I know Cinder doesn't want to, she wants to wait until she goes into labor. I love her but that idea......

I nod to an ambassador as I walk to my office, today is a new day.

I open the door and Torin is talking with  the head butler in my office. Now don't take me for a royal snob, cause I'm not but in my office. Torin doesn't let anyone in my office, I don't care.  He does so when I see the head butler in my office you can understand why I don't get good vibes from that. 

"Good morning, Torin, and Lee." I duck my head politely and they do the same eyeing me.

Torin turns toward me with worry, "Lee-daren says that one of his maids has reported seeing throw-up in the toilet, he was concerned. Is Her Majesty alright?"

Is she? "Yes the Empress is excellent."

Lee-daren holds my gaze for a second and then nods leaving Torin and I alone.

"Is she okay, Your Majesty?" Torin looks at me with his all knowing old eyes.

I let out a breath, "Yes she is fine."

He looks at me questioning my answer, he knows I am not telling him something. That's what happens when people know you for a while. But he lets it go nodding to himself.

I move around the table to sit at my desk. Torin sits down with me and begins the daily intelligence briefing. I daze of thinking about Cinder and the confused butler. We have to tell them, we have to tell the public.

"Your Majesty?" Torin says in a respectful but sharp tone.

"Yes," I say.

"Are you listening?" 

You know that when someone asks you this question there is really only one answer and that is, "Yes, I am ready to begin."

"Okay," Torin lets out a long breath, "You should go over the trade agreement files before your meeting with Queen Camila and the press conference." I nod and accept the paper from Torin as he slides it across the table. "Is there anything else you require?"

I think about it for a minute freezing Torin in his half standing position. "Can you set up a meeting with the Empress."

He raises an eyebrow, "With all due respect Your Majesty you have to read those files before 15:00, there is no time to be wasted."

Oh I am well aware that  there is no time to be wastes. I stayed up late last night reading these files, just so I could 'waste time'. Yes, I am a great Emperor with time to be wasted. Because I need to talk to Cinder.

Hey, who thinks Kai is a blind idiot? And who thinks he is about to have the fight of his life?

Comment with a simple K for kaider and then B or G for boy or girl and then same thing for Wolflet, W and then B or G. Simple, easy, awesome.



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