Wolf POV (Magic Touch)

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"Mwahhhh maaaa." Michelle screams.

I look over at Scarlet at she frowns at Michelle. "Come on, why are you crying?"

Michelle continues to cry growing louder and louder by the second.

"Please stop crying Michelle." Scarlet pleads with no avail.

I feel so useless. I feel like that a lot, these days. 

"Scarlet, you want me to take her?" Michelle is throwing a full blown meltdown right now. Everything you would expect, screaming, crying more screaming, more crying. My ears are ringing so I can't imagine how Scarlet, who is sitting right next to her is doing. 

Scarlet looks over to me exhausted. "Will you? I just need to go to the bathroom real quick and then all be back."

I shake my head walk over to her, "Take your time Scarlet, I can handle her for a while."

She nods and walks off rubbing her temple.

I turn my attention back to Michelle as she looks back at me teary eyed. "shh."

She looks at me her crying stopping. 

"Stop crying, you are making mommy mad."

She stares at me.

I pick her up from the couch, kissing her forehead. I don't know what to do now. It's not like I have been a dad before. And I never really had a dad, I mean my dad was great. As far as a remember. But I don't really remember. I was taken early for Levana's army. 

I put a finger in her mouth and she quiets down even more. Maybe I am good at this, maybe it's not so hard. Well, it is that hard.

Scarlet walks out of the bathroom yawning. She grins at me, "Someone's got the sweet touch."

That chapter was absolutely terrible, sorry



Be Safe

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