Double Date (2)

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Emilie watches Scarlet and Wolf walk out the door, I don't, I watch her. Her and her bubbly self that thinks a rusty old tavern is all she deserves.

"So," She turns back turns back to me still smiling. "How are you today?"

"I'm fine, I guess."

She scrunches her nose, "You guess? What is that supposed to mean?"

"I don't know." 

She takes my hand and looks into my eyes, my weakness. I can hids emotion in my face, my posture, but never my eyes. If I'm in pain, you could glance at me and not know it but you look in my eyes and you would know it.

"Yes, you do and you aren't telling me....I can't help you if you don't tell me what is wrong."

I let out a breath, "I just...why don't you want to go somewhere nice like Scarlet and Wolf?"

"Your mad about that?"

"I'm not mad, I just thought that I was taking you somewhere nice and then you said that we were just coming here." I gesture around the room.

She glances around the room with a shrug, "What's wrong with the tavern?"

"There's nothing wrong with the tavern." I look at her, a small smile appears on her lips and then it grows and then we are both laughing because there is a whole lot of things wrong with the tavern. Once I finally control myself, I start again, "What I am trying to  say is the tavern is not exactly the type of place you take a girl on a date, I mean you work here."

She shrugs, "I admit that it's not the best but...I don't want to you to spend all of your  money on me."

"I want to spend all of my money on you."

"Well," She stands up and looks down at her watch, "It's too late to go somewhere else now, so I guess this is good night?"

"Wait,"  I hold her hand keeping her from leaving, "How about we redo this a different restaurant....a fancier one."

She giggles, "Fine, but I don't have a hover."

I shake my head, "That doesn't matter I am going to pick you up."

Her smile waver for a second, "Okay." 

I let her hand go, "Bye, Emilie."

She kisses me again, "Au revoir, Max. A demain." (Google Translate it)

I hold up my port as she walks away, "Don't forget to send me your address." She nods with a grin as she steps out of the restaurant.

Wolf POV

"Table for two." I say to the man in the front. 

He nods, and produces two menus from the stand. "Right this way sir." We follow him through the romantically lit restaurant to a booth with a candle in the middle. "You waiter will be with you momentarily." The host says setting the menus down on the table.

Scarlet slides into the booth first before I slide in after her.

She looks around the room with a smile, "This is know just me and you."

"Yeah," I smile over at her, "This is nice, I hope Michelle is okay though."

Scarlet slides her hand into mine, "Why wouldn't she be?"

"Because she is with an old woman whom I do not know."

Scarlet rolls her eyes, "Okay, random people didn't watch you on Luna?"

I shake my head, "From what I can remember, no."

"What did you do on that stale planet?"

I shrug, "That is a great question, I don't really know."

Scarlet shakes her head, and changes the subject. "To bad Max and Emilie didn't want to come here with us, sometimes I don't understand Emilie, she didn't want to come here because she thinks that Max doesn't want to spend money on her..."

I nod, "I think Max is a bit frustrated, he wanted to take her somewhere nice."

"Yeah, " Scarlet sighs resting her head on my shoulder, "You know, you can take me somewhere nice anytime you want."

I chuckle, "Yes, I am well aware of that."

She giggles picking her head up off my shoulder, "If we can find someone to watch Michelle of course."

I press a kiss onto her lips, "Of course."

That last section was kind of weird, I don't know what adults talk about when they are alone....other than their children of course



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