Kaider POV (Before the Wedding)

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Ok just fyi when I say when Kaider POV it means that in the chapter there is a POV from both Kai and Cinder


Wearing dresses is not really my thing so you can only imagine how happy I am while putting on my wedding dress. Yes I love that I am getting married but really, a pig poofy skirt for me to trip over and a sweetheart neckline to show off all my goods to everyone. I make a silent promise to myself to never under any circumstance wear another dress, but who am I kidding. I am going to be the Empress and that is what the public expects me to wear and the public gets what the public wants. Thankfully Kai was able to combine the coronation with the wedding so I will only have to wear one dress instead of two. Trust me I am thanking the stars for that. 

I feel Iko pin the white cloth to my bun and gasp, "Cinder you look beautiful." Of course that's what any good maid of honor would say, but that's not Iko. She is the type of person, or um android I guess, to tell you straight up that you look like a hot mess. And if she had that would not have been the first time, or anything close to it. This warms my heart, she really thinks I look good. I turn around to the mirror and my breath catches. She wasn't lying I look stunning, beautiful, worthy of marrying an Emperor. I have never seen myself look like this, clean, in a dress and beautiful. If I've managed to look beautiful I can't imagine Kai, oh Kai. It's my wedding day and I haven't seen the man I love. Whoever made up that rule was stupid, I want to see him, to hear him tell me that I will not trip and fall on my dress, I want to feel his lips against mine, I want Kai to be here with me.

Iko grins looking at me look at myself. The door opens Scarlet pokes her head in, grins and then walks in Cress and Winter following her in with their dresses already on.

Winter giggles her normal laughter of deliriousness, "Oh my Selene Kai is going to cry when he sees you."

Cress nods only slightly less delirious then Winter, "Yeah I have never seen you like this you look......perfect." She whispers the last word dreamily.

Yes, I do look beautiful, maybe, but I know that I am far from perfect. But they, they look amazing. All of them in their dresses, smiling happy. Happy for me, I remind myself. Happy that I am getting married. Happy that I look as beautiful as they do, hopefully. 

It's time Your Majesty, please make you way to the ballroom doors. The message scrolls across my retina display seemingly less sterile and more vibrantly colored. I nod to myself and make my way to the door of the ballroom my bridesmaids following behind me with their soft chatter. I make it to the door without tripping, I guess that's a good sign right? Maybe today will be perfect. Maybe I will be perfect. Maybe I am perfect. Maybe.


Nobody can prepare you for 'the wait' as I think it should be called. I am standing here with Torin, Jacin, Thorne and Wolf waiting for Cinder to walk through the doors. Daring Cinder to walk through those doors. Willing Cinder to walk through those doors. I am just standing here like a fool on these steps waiting for the woman I love, but nothing is happening. I can't fiddle or do anything, I am on international television. Any movement I make can and will be seen by Luna and the entire Earthen Union. I mean that's a lot of pressure, you have to look all put together and calm when on the inside you are freaking out and you don't even know why. So I stand here waiting and watching, watching and waiting in this struggle that will soon stop, and I will no longer be alone. No longer be a bachelor, but a married man. A husband.

Sorry about not posting this weekend I will do it during the week....maybe, I have a life to and school work.

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