Cress POV(Appointments: Bed)

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 FRIGID COLD. I sit up and look around.

"Hey, Cress, we are back at my parents house."

I glare at him trying to take my blanket back, "Why did you wake me up?"

He waves a brown bag in front of my face, "You said you were hungry, I though you might want to eat."

The smell of fast food wafts into my nose, I smile and climb out of the car on my own. I want some of that food. "What are you waiting for, Thorne? Let's go inside."

He rolls his eyes with a smirk, "Okay, Cress, lead the way."

I skip inside, when I open the door Liam rushes over to me and gives me a big hug. "I missed you mommy." 

I bend down to pat his back, "We weren't gone for that long..." I look up around the room and Thorne's dad is standing of to the side with an eye  patch over his eye and a brown patched up hat on his head. "Oh dear, what did you have Grandpa doing?"

Liam giggles, "We were playing pirates.....Do you want to play with us?"

I shake my head. Thorne enters behind me and lets out a huge sigh when he sees his father, "Dad, what are you doing?"

He shrugs, "What I did when you were this age, surprised I still have it?"

Thorne shakes his head, "Come on, Liam. We have food."

Thorne's dad looks up from Liam, "You brought anything for me?"

I cringe, "No, sorry Mr. Thorne."

Thorne chuckles, "You weren't even awake when I got the food, its not your fault."

Thorne's dad shakes his head, "After I fed you everyday, you can't even remember my favorite type of burger."

"Dad, have you even had  a burger before? My first time having a burger was pilot school, when I was here burgers were to common for the son of rich people to be consuming."

Thorne's dad laughs, "Okay, son go enjoy your food alone, without your father." He shakes his head.

Thorne POV

I take Cress and Liam to the same table I used to eat breakfast at everyday. It somewhat monumental to me, I used to sit here with my family when I was a kid. But now I am all grown up, married, and have a kid of my own. Who knew, 20 something years later I would be sitting at the same table with different people? 

I look over at Liam, he is like any three year old boy would, trying to stuff the entire burger in his mouth, "Liam, what are you doing?"

He stops and his eyes slowly shift over to me, but he makes no move to take the burger out of his mouth.

"Take that out of your mouth, you are going to choke."

He narrows his eyes and lowers it from his mouth onto the wrapping paper, "You were just doing it."

"My mouth is bigger than yours, Liam. And don't let my mother see you eat like that....she's going to take it out on me."

"Your mom is mean."

I shrug, "Nothing I can do about that."   I look over at Cress and she is asleep. She has taken the smallest bite of her burger and then set it back down on the paper. Her head is buried in her arms.


Liam bursts out in laughter, "Mommy's been sleeping for a long time....and you didn't even know it did you?"

I glare at him standing up from the table, "Of course I knew it."

Liam points at me, "Lier, lier pants on fire."

"Actually Liam, I have changed my mind. Put the entire burger right back in your mouth and shut up."

Liam grins, "Really?"

"Yes as long as you don't tell your mother that I said that when she wakes up."

He stares at the burger giddly, picks it up and shoves it in his mouth. He looks up at  me and holds up both thumbs,

I shake my head and turn back to Cress. I pull out her chair and she sits up so fast she  smacks me in the face. "Ow."

She looks back and at me apologetically, "Sorry, I didn't mean to." 

"No, it's okay, " I rub my cheek, "I didn't want to wake you up so I was going to carry to our room." 

She looks at the table, "Oh yeah, I forgot about the food."

"Are you still hungry, or do you want me to put you in the bed?"

"Hmm," She stretches her arms, and stands up, "I think, I'll go to bed."

"Okay, " I look at her still only half awake, "Don't run into a wall now." 

She smiles, "I am not going to run into a wall." 

"Liam, stay here, I'll be back in a few minutes."

"Mm hmm." Liam mumbles, the burger still in his mouth.

Cress looks at Liam, she gasps and the smile fades off of he face, "Why do you have an entire burger in  your mouth?'

Liam's eyes light up, he points at me.

Cress looks at me, I  shake my head and push her out of the room giving Liam the death stare. I lead Cress up the stairs into our room, once we get close enough to the bed she just collapses.

I laugh, "I told you you were tired and you told me that you were hungry."

Cress groans scooting under the sheets, "I am hungry....but I guess I was more tired than I was hungry."

"I guess, " I peck her on the forehead.

"Wait, Thorne, " Cress grabs  my arm.


She pulls me closer, nearly toppling me over, "Cuddle?"

"I told Liam that I would come back."

"He knows where the room is and that burger in his mouth is going to take a long time to eat."

I want to stay here so badly but I also feel the need to go back down stairs and make sure that Liam is not in need of some serious heimlich-ing, "Cress....."

She frowns, lets go of my hand and turns around the other way from me.

"Oh my god, Cress." I crawl over her on the edge of the bed and settle myself on the center of the bed under the covers. I look down at me day cloth, Cress hates when I get in our bed with day clothes on.

Cress grins.

I tug at my clothes, "Sorry."

"Shh." Cress lays her head down on my chest, closing he eyes.

"Fine, a few minutes. But then I am going back down stairs."

She smiles and puts her leg over mine, shifting her swollen belly so that it is resting softly on mine. 

I'm not going anywhere.



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