Cress POV (Jitters)

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It is here, today is the day, my wedding day. I stare back at myself in the mirror standing in Scarlet's room waiting for her to bring my dress back in my bra and panty. I hate it, being left alone to my thoughts scares me and I don't even have visions like Princess Winter.

Scarlet walks, though I can barely tell it is her behind the white fluff that is apparently my dress. "Alright, Cress this is it. Your dress."

She shoves it over to me and I take it trying to inspect it but all I can see is fluff, hardly like the dress I bought. There was fluff but it was sleek fluff, this is just out of control. It looks like pollen. "Scarlet are you sure this is my dress."

Scarlet looks at me in the mirror, "Yep, it is definitely yours no one else on this ship is your size or anything close to it."

I stare at her for a few seconds wondering how she meant it. But I turn back to the issue, my wedding dress, for my wedding, which is today.

I eventually find the zipper and Scarlet helps me into it. I turn back to the mirror, it's the dress I bought, definitely the refined poof I bought but it looks different on me now that it is my wedding day. I suck in a breath turning to Scarlet, "Scarlet, do I look fat?"

She turns back to me from Michelle, "What? No, you do not look fat. You look fine."

"Really?" I turn to the side, looking at my waist line.

Scarlet picks up Michelle and walks over to me, "Yeah, you look fine."

I stare at myself for a few more second and then let out the breath, "Where is Iko, Cinder and Winter?" I tear my gaze away from my reflection.

"Why am I not enough for you?"

"No, that's-"

"It's okay, they'll be here in a few, my job was to get you in the dress Iko is the real stylist. And Cinder, I think she was still sleeping but she should be here her best mood"

I nod looking back at myself, nothing has changed. I don't know what I expected. The door opens and I watch Iko Winter and Cinder pour in from the mirror. Iko nods to Scarlet and then looks at me her eyes widening in horror. 

I turn around to face her, "What?"

She walks slowly over to me, "Who helped you into this?"

"Um," I glance at Scarlet. I don't know why she is asking, Scarlet is the only one who was in the room with me before, we both know that it was Scarlet.

Iko bends down in front of me tugging my dress down making it fit tighter and tighter on my body. But it looks more and more like the dress I bought, the fluff starting at my hips and traveling all the way down until they come to an abrupt stop at the end of the dress which barely brushes the floor. "Oh my gosh Scarlet, what is wrong with you? Do you not know how to put on a dress properly?"

"I can put a dress on my own body just fine." Scarlet glares at Iko.

Iko stands up and places her hands firmly on my shoulders shifting me to face her, "Your dress is straight, at least that is a start. What shoes are you wearing?"

I stare at her, at least there is no way I will be left to my pre-wedding jitters with all of these demands.



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