Oki (not POV)

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It had been two months since the break up with Kinney and Iko and Iko felt like she was finally ready to devote herself to someone else. Ready to love someone else. A new home for a new boyfriend. She was now a permanent resident at the New Beijing Palace. Cinder's wedding had taken her mind of the heart ache and now that she had looked back to Kinney she felt ready. Iko walked through the halls of the palace following Kai's lead. This would be her new home. She would be able have a home and actually be treated like a princess. And more importantly she spotted a cute and hopefully a single boy cleaning the palace floor. Cinder and Kai seemed to be caught up with each other so Iko went over to say hi. "Hello, I'm Iko," the boy looked up from his job and smiled. "Hey I Oki......It's not everyday a cute earthen girl walks up to me." Oki had now completely ditched his job and was focusing all of his energy into talking to this cute girl. "Why are you cleaning the floor I thought they use androids for that job?" The boy smiled weakly, "I am.......I'm and android, they say I have a glitch but whatever.....And who are you may I ask, a royal guest?" Iko looked at Oki, she could feel herself slowly falling in love with this android boy against her will. "Really?....I....I....I'm an android too, they say I have a glitch but I think that that is what makes me me, you know?" "Yeah" "Well I should be going now shouldn't I?" "Oh yes I am sure a pretty lady has many things to tend to, but I have one thing to ask of you. Can you meet me in the garden tonight at 22:00?" "It would be my pleasure, bye Oki," Iko waved her hand at the boy. Oki took Iko's hand out of the air and pressed his lips up against it just like Iko had seen Kai do a million times with Cinder. Iko ran to catch up with Cinder and Kai waving back at Oki. Maybe just maybe this could be the start of her own love story.

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