Iko POV (Wedding Prep)

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Scarlet, can really be annoying. Especially in the morning when she is asked to walk down the hall practically naked after being ripped from her husband at 8:00 am  in the morning. Really Scarlet, is it really that bad. 

Scarlet groans nearly tripping over her own legs.

I glance back at her, "What is wrong with you?"

Scarlet glares at me, "Nothing is wrong with me but something is obviously wrong with you."

"Nothing is wrong with me, Oki checked my circuit last night."

Scarlet scrunches her nose at me, "What is that supposed to mean? Is that some kind of code for doing the dirty?"

I look back at her, "No,  was just letting you know that I am not crazy."

Scarlet rolls her eyes, "Common sense says otherwise."

I turn to Scarlet and glare, "Would you juts shut up." 

We reach the changing room and Scarlet opens the door without knocking. Just goes right in even though we know that Winter is in there.

Winter turns around grinning the dress pressed against  her body, "Hello, Scarlet." She frowns, "You don't look very happy, do you miss your Wolf already."

Scarlet looks up at Winter and nods slowly like she is unsure what is wrong with her. I don't care what is wrong with her it is not her wedding day, it is Winter's and so today Winter is my main focus.

Scarlet sits down in a chair behind the mirror, "Where is Cinder and Cress?"

"Umm,"  I move around the room trying to fine the close pins, "I think....They will be here in a little bit."

"Why didn't you go find them when you woke up me and Winter?"

"Because you," My voice strains as I try and reach up to get the bin of close pins, "Are not pregnant."

The bin slides off of the shelf nearly falling on my head but I catch it before I can embarrass myself.

"Who cares if they are pregnant, they still have to be bridesmaids."

I walk over to Winter five pins in my mouth and the other few hundred in the bin. I shove the bin into Scarlet's lap and take the pins out of my mouth, "Do you really want them to come in here just to leave so that they can puke out their guts?" 

I can feel Scarlet's glare on my back.

"Winter, are you wearing makeup or not?"

She shrugs, looking at herself in the mirror, "Do you think I should?"

"Hmm, I don't think so you look fine without it."

Scarlet groan, "But then doesn't that defeat the point of all of us getting here earlier."

"Scarlet, " I say without turning around to face her, "Why don't you take your dress and head back to your room, with Wolf and then come back here when you aren't so grumpy."

"Fine, where is my dress?"

"Um.. It's over there just wait a second and I will get it for you." I move my attention back to Winter, the bride, "I want you to put your dress on and then walk around and when I get back,  tell me what doesn't feel comfortable and I will try my best to fix it, okay?"

Winter nods.

I walk over to the closet where Scarlet is ruffling through all of the unmarked black suit bags. I pluck hers off of the rack and hand it to her. She looks between it and me skeptically, "How do you know this is mine?"

"Because I put these in here in a certain order and that is your unless you switched them around."

She shakes her head.

"Okay, go back to your room and come back when you have it on and are no longer grumpy."

Scarlet glares at me but walks out of the room leaving me and Winter alone. She has the dress on already and she is frowning.


"I didn't think that it would be so," She inhales, "Long."

I look at it, it is the average length of a wedding dress, "What do you mean?"

She smiles sheepishly at me in the mirror, "How am I supposed to walk without tripping."

"Winter you are not going to fall and even if you do it is going to be alright."

She wraps her arms around herself frowning in the mirror, which is strange for someone as pretty as her, "I know but there are so much nerves going off in my body.  I can barely stand up without my knees buckling. How am I supposed to walk? I wish you hadn't let Scarlet leave at least I could have talked to someone about this."

"I don't know if Scarlet is really the one to talk about this, she didn't know that that was her wedding day. She didn't have time to get nervous."

"Oh, maybe Cress."

I shrug, "I'll comm her but I don't think she is going to be here anytime soon. She has a lot of stuff going on right now."

"So I have so sit here alone and be nervous?"

"Hey, you are not alone." I smile at her nervous face.

She tries to smile back, "Yeah, you and me."

"Oh great stars Winter, there is no reason to be nervous. You could be walking down the aisle, fall and break both of your legs and arms and Jacin would still marry you."

Winter giggles, "I guess he would."

I know I am holding the wedding back but just be patient



Be Safe

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