Thorne POV (Packing UP)

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This has noting to do with the actual story line but I just thought this would be fun to write.

Thorne POV

As I lay down in my bed next to the already sleeping Cress. And the most peculiar thought comes to my head. I really am that amazing, the stars themselves are no better than me. And those who criticize me are nothing more than crazy fans who can not control their jealousy. The very thought that I alone have been chosen to be the leader of the world. My best friends, some of the most important people in that world. And I, Captain Carswell Thorne, the leader of them and the most important. 

. . . 

I open my eyes and see a whole lot of things. Cress running around grabbing our belongings, Liam throwing his stuff out of his suitcase big fat tears rolling down his cheeks. 


I sit up, "Cress?"

She pauses looking over to me, "Yes."

"What is going on here?"

"We are packing up, so that we can leave." Cress says still looking at me.

"We are leaving now?"

She nods as if this is common knowledge, "Yeah, I was just talking to Cinder this morning at breakfast and we agreed."

I lean forward not believing what I am evidently hearing. "You and Cinder?"

"Yeah." Cress turns around and starts packing once again.

My eyes follow her everywhere around the room in pure awe. You know, I was unaware of Cinder's new ability to fly a ship. Excuse me if I still thought that I was a captain and excuse me if I thought we were at my parents house. But of course we are leaving this early in the morning her and Cinder talked about it. Because it definitely makes no sense to consult the captain of the ship that you will be flying out on. Suppose he doesn't really feel like being criticized for his take offs today. But no that doesn't matter, Cinder said so. And another thing where was Kai when this was going on? Seems like we need to have a little chat, can't have the women running over us like that.

I take a breath and throw the sheets off of my body, revealing my bare chest and boxers. "Hey Cress."

She turns around again, "Yes."

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

She shrugs and shifts her hip in a way that really makes her bump show, "I don't know you just really looked peaceful in your sleep."

"But Cress." I stand up and walk over to her so that I am really close her, "You are pregnant, you shouldn't be doing this much running around."

"I fine." She says looking up at me her blue eyes sparkling.

"Cress." I whisper pushing her lightly towards the bed.

"I don't mind really." She giggles.

"I mind, don't worry about anything I will take care of it all."

"How about I don't do anymore running around and only the low energy stuff."

I shake my head feigning exasperation, "Fine, but seriously Cress. Nothing to demanding."

She smiles and starts to walk away, I slap her butt lightly and she jumps, turning back to me a wide grin, "You are the most demanding, Carswell."

"Uh huh." I shake my head walking over to Liam. Who is sitting on the desk chair his face read and pout on his face. "Hey what happened to you?"

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