Cinder POV (Fixing Feelings)

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I sigh letting my entire body sag, "I'm gonna go fix the heater now, you coming?"

He nods numbly, still deep in thought or whatever he is doing. Guilt is written all over his face. For what? I don't know, maybe bringing the whole miscarriage thing up. Maybe because he wants another child and I don't. I led him a hand and he hauls himself up and leads me out of the room, igloo, space.

"Okay," I say righting myself in front of the heater. I take my wrench back and reach under the fan feeling for a loose when I find it a slide my hands around it and tighten it. Following the line a tighten the heater in and it is all fixed in under an hour. I smile to myself when I finish brushing my hands off on my shorts. I turn around to find Kai staring at me.

"You're done." He says shrugging.

"Yep." I duck by him, "I am going to show Thorne."

"Why don't you just comm him?"

I stop and stare at him, "Oh yeah that is a better idea."

Cinder: I fixed your ship CAPTAIN, wanna come take a look

Thorne: Finally recognizing me as you superior, I like it

I shake my head and look back up at Kai, he has his hands shoved deep in his pockets and his is looking away from me like someone has just smacked him, "Kai."

He looks up at me.

"You know, it's okay that you asked. You didn't know." Do I really think it is okay that he asked? Mmmmm not really, it reopened a wound that was never fully closed. Kind of like Peony. But he didn't know, it's not like I want to talk about this sort of thing. I guess that is kind of a problem, I guess we should be talking about it together or something. But I am doing just fine on my own, well not fine but close enough for me.

"Yeah but-" Kai starts to drawl on but stops abruptly when Thorne enters with his loud ego.

"So I see you broke something and had to fix it my little mechanic." Thorne grins slapping my back.

"I didn't break anything, you did." I say twisting the wrench around in my hand.

Thorne shakes his head still smiling, "Yeah, yeah."

I shake my head, "Anyways it's fixed now and the ship should be warm within the next fifteen minutes. So I guess we can leave....." I look around.

Thorne is nodding. Kai is still looking away. I'll take that as a no......

"I guess we can leave tomorrow then." I shrug.

Thorne glares at me and I leave the room, looking back to see Kai right behind me.

We get back to our room and I push the door open with my back. I sink letting my head fall back onto the bed not caring about how dirty the sheets will be. I take a breath, "That was fun."

The side of Kai's mouth twist in to a quirky smile, "That was fun for you?"

"Yes, that was amazing. And then to shove it down Thorne throat.....Oh this da is shaping up to be pretty good if you ask me. Yesterday.....ehhh but today."

Kai chuckles, moving in front of me "I am glad you feel that way."

I look up at him standing in-between my legs. "You okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, I just....I am kind of anxious to get out of here."


"I don't know, I just......"

I sit up, "I wanna get out of here too but then again I always want to get out of here.....Did you start packing yet?"

Kai kisses me lightly, for no reason. But is there ever a reason "No, not yet."

He stands up moving towards his closet, he pulls out some t-shirt and stuffs it in a duffel bag, "There, all packed up."

I shake my head smiling, "You really want to get out of here." 

Kai lifts his eyebrow to me, "Are you packed up?" 

"Yep, I'm ready to go."



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