Kaider POV

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Like I said last time it was impossible for me to to continue unless I did it in first Person so here is your POV, please comment I would love to know what you all think of my stories (I love writing in Kai's prospective)

She walked out of the room, she wasn't storming out of the room but I could still feel the anger radiating  off of her. She was mad because of who I am. She wasn't mad at me just who I am. I always thought it would be easy to find a girl, me being the Emperor and all but apparently not. Now a person who loves me for who I am and not for the title hates me because of my title, my fame. What do I even do, it's not like I can apologize for being the Emperor, that's who I am. I didn't choose to be born into the royal family, I just was. I didn't choose to fall in love with Cinder, she kidnapped me. (I personally think that this hilarious) And even if I were to abdicate that wouldn't really fix the problem which is my fame. Cinder abdicated, she's still famous on Luna, I mean really how do you forget the cyborg who saved the world from her aunt who tried to kill her when she was a toddler. How do you forget the girl who was invited to be the Emperor's personal guest and showed up a hot mess. How do you forget New Beijing's best mechanic. I mean when two world leader get together the fame is inevitable. I sigh, there is nothing I can do. I walk out of the room, I might not be able to fix it but I can at least say something. Support her, things a good loving fiance would do.

Cinder POV:

Honestly what do I have to get some privacy. I am dating the Emperor, the Queen of Luna is dating the Emperor of the Eastern Commonwealth I get it it's inevitable but really. Like give me a break, why on earth would I control Kai. Give me the proof that I would control Kai, tell me when I control him. Well there was that one time but that doesn't count because he asked me to. WHY? Stupid me in a stupid world with a stupid, stupid heart. I crumple onto a crate in the loading station. What am I supposed to do, the only thing that would fix this madness is if I murder myself, that would break Kai's heart and  everyone on the crew. The crew, there's something to live for. Four people found the love of their life because of me, that's good right? Even me a hopeless little cyborg found the love of her life. Yay? I mean yes I love Kai to Luna and back but I mean I don't need the news feeds there to debate with my emotions. I love Kai, period. I don't need some news feed to come and tell me that I am manipulating him, I'm not but aces does that stuff get to your brain. And your heart. My synthetic fake, cybernetic, heart.

I know that is kinda depressing but boy was that fun to write.

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