Scarlet POV (Respect for Iko)

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Iko, believe it or not, flourishes under the pressure. I mean she is able to function, maybe flourish isn't the best word to use. But we all make it to the front of the doors in time with our dresses on.

Iko makes a loud noise like gurgling in the back of her throat, "Where are the guys, we are supposed to walk in the room in the next thirty seconds?" She throws her hands up in the air, "I am going to kill Oki if he doesn't get here in time."

Cress looks at Iko, "You are going kill him?"

Iko glares at her, "I just might Cress, I just might....I mean, I hope it doesn't come to that."

There is a loud mechanical whistle from around the corner and then a bunch of laughing. I glance at Iko she looks at me.

"Alrighty lets get these wedding shenanigans begin." Thorne yells coming closer.

So Iko won't murder her boyfriend and potentially all of our husbands, they will live another day. 

The first one I see is Oki in his suit and bow I smirk, something about being a robot just clashes with dressing up in fancy clothes. Next is Thorne and Wolf and Kai, I smile, Wolf looks better in his new tux than he looked in his old one. Which is somewhere in Reux in my old duffel bag. 

Wolf walks smoothly over to me, wrapping his arms around my waste, "Hello, Scarlet."

I grin, "You look cute." 

He takes a step back looking at himself and giving me a chance to look too, "Do I? You look mighty cute yourself."

"I don't like this dress, my wedding dress was more comfortable."

Wolf rubs his nose against mine, "Well you picked that one out, Iko picked these ones out."

"Hey," Iko yells. I imagine her adjusting her voice box output to maximum. "This is not mingle with your significant other time we are trying to carry out a wedding and right now we are about a minute late. The people are waiting so everyone....shut up."

There is pure silence. There is a kind of respect that you just develop for someone like Iko.

Iko looks around at us, making eye contact with everyone. "Thank you, now everyone get with your husband, Jacin to the front."

There is some shuffling and Jacin appears next to Iko at the front of the lines, he looks mad nervous.

"Okay the order from her doesn't matter, just Winter in the back."

More shuffling.

"Okay this is it guys, " Iko encourages us, reminding me of what I imagine a elementary school play would look like. "You got this don't forget to smile."

The music starts, it's loud and I can hear that from the other side of the doors to the ballroom which I really thick.

I glance over at Wolf, "Wolf, where is Michelle?"

Wolf frowns and looks off to the side away from me, "Jacin forced me to give her to one of the palace caregivers. She should be in the front row of the audience, or else." He bares his teeth.

"Wolf," I whisper, soothingly rubbing his arm, "She is fine. Don't worry about her."

Wolf looks at me, "How am I not supposed to worry, I don't know the person who is watching my child right now Scarlet."

I kiss him, "Just don't think about it, Wolf."

He kisses me back, "Scarlet I would be just as worried if I didn't know where you were."

I grin, trying to make him mirror the face, "I know, and you know where Michelle is."

Wolf head droops, "Yeah, I guess I do." 

I smile to myself, happy that I at least did what I could given the fact that I myself do not really trust this mystery caretaker. 

Someone taps my shoulder, I glance over at Iko. She glares at me, "What part of shut up do you not seem to understand."

I will be out next week, I will try to post but no promises for next week



Be Safe

EmpressOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora