Cinder POV (More meetings)

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There very few things that I, a pregnant cyborg, like to do at 10:00 in the morning. Now, granted for some people 10:00 may not be an early time, but I am not those people. I am not a morning person, and for some reason I have to get up out of my bed at 9:30 so that I will be ready for Torin at 10:00. Because he wants to speak with me and Kai, and couldn't consider a later time.

"Cinder, come on. You have to wake up." Kai shakes my leg.

"Stop," I move my leg away from him.

"Cinder, you have to wake up." He shakes my other leg, the metal one.

I lift my head up and glare at him, "Leave me alone."

"Cinder if you don't get out of bed within the next 30 seconds I am going to go into that bathroom," He points to our bathroom, "Fill a cup with freezing cold water and sprinkle it on you."

I put my head on the pillow, "Please don't do that."

Kai smirks, and starts his countdown, "30, 29, 28, 27, 16, 6."

"Woah," I sit up quickly my eyes still half closed. 

Kai grins, "Good morning to you too."

I open my eyes slowly and look at him, he is already fully dressed suit and all. He looks mad cute, and then there's me in my oversized shirt hair in every direction. "Spades Kai, how are you already dressed."

He shrugs, "I woke up five minutes ago, when you should have woken up. If you had woken up when I did you would be dressed and ready already."

"Why did you schedule a meeting this early?"

"It didn't really occur to me that this would be a problem until last night."

I slide off the bed walking towards my closet, "That's the first time it occured to you."

"Yes, you know what this morning is missing?"

"What," I peel open my closet and try and asses with my half asleep self which dress will be the least obnoxious and take the least amount of time to get into.

Kai comes up behind me smiling, "I said good morning, but you didn't."

I turn back and look back at him midway of taking off my shorts, "Good morning?  No, I shouldn't even be awake at the time that good mornings are being said."

Kai chuckles, "Sorry, I'll make sure the next meeting that requires you will be at an 'appropriate time'."

I yawn pulling the dress over my head, "I think I am going to fall asleep."

Kai shakes his head looking a bit more concerned, "I wouldn't do that, and Torin said that it was only going to be a few minutes max."

I groan, pushing aside a bunch of high heels that I have never and will never wear. I pick a pair of glittering silver shoes, to go with my tropically themed green, blue and pink dress. "I have another meeting after that, remember?"

"Oh yeah," Kai watches me shove my foot into my shoe, "I forgot about that......Don't you have like an hour in between though?"

I shrug, "What's an hour?"

"So you are saying the hour of sleep that you just lost is nothing."

"No, that is not what I am saying.......can you button the back?"

"Than what are you saying?"

"I am saying that in sleep time and hour is like the length of a snap, when you sleep fo ran hour it is like that," I snap, "And then it is over but when you are sleeping for many hours the snap means more. You know?"

Kai grins, kissing me on the lips as I turn around to face him, "No, that makes absolutely no sense."

I frown, "It makes a lot of sense."

Kai shakes his head still smiling, "I definitely underestimated the impact that last hour of sleep has on your brain."

"Can we just go to the thing already?"

"Oh so now you want to go to the meeting, I have been trying to get you to go to it for the past 15 minutes."

I make a movement towards the door, "And now I am up, let's go." 



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