Scarlet POV (Wedding Fatigue)

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I look around at the rest of the wedding audience. 

Third wedding down.

Everyone is looking around in confusion wondering what to do with this new found freedom. Thorne is not coming back anytime soon, everyone knows it. He and Cress are probably going to spend some quality time together.

I glance over at Wolf he is looking at his hands.

I place my hand in his open hand, his eyes skip over to me, "Where is Elle?"


"That is what I am calling Michelle, saves my mouth from saying an extra syllable."

Wolf chuckles, "Scarlet, it's just a syllable."

"I know but after saying two syllables a few times you want to shorten it."

Wolf smirks, "Alright, Scar."

I roll my eyes, "Where is she?"

"I believe she is sleeping on the top bunk in the room."

I nod standing up and stretching out my spine, "I should probably go feed her."

Not breastfeed no way no how am I going to feed my child on a ship with a bunch of nosy people. And to those who would, where is your modesty?

"I'll meet you back at the room?" Wolf asks standing up next to me.

I nod and walk of to the kitchenette. It's not really what I would consider a kitchen. I reach into the fridge and take out a bottle of milk and continue on my journey deeming it safe to drink. I have never drunk it before, something about drinking your own milk seems extremely wrong, like drinking one's own pee.

I open the door seeing first, Kai and Cinder laying on the bottom bunk talking quietly to each other. Cute.

I walk over to Wolf, he smiles when he sees me. He careful turns around on the top rung of the ladder to the top bunk and jobs off, with baby Michelle in his hands.

I blink several times, there in no way the in the dark skies of space I am seeing this correctly. Wolf, my husband, the safest most careful rational person I know has jumped of the bunk bed with Michelle in his hands. 

"Um, Wolf......What are you doing?"

He turns to me looking just as terrified as I feel, "I really don't know." 

"Okay, well, um I got the milk."

"Is it still good?"

I glance to the side for a moment before looking back at Wolf, "I don't know, it's breastmilk so I assume yes."

"Well if you say so." He reaches for the bottle.

I walk over to him and peer into the blanket, "Wait is she even awake."

Wolf chuckles, "I just jumped off of the ladder, of course she is awake."

"Yeah, that might not have been the best of ideas."

"Thinking back on it maybe not."

"Well," I let out a loud breath, "What can we do now, she is alive and doesn't appear to be injured in anyway."

The door opens and Winter walks in holding Liam's hand. I glance over at Cinder and Kai who have stopped talking and are now watching Winter.

"Hey, Winter."

She looks around the room with a smile, "Hello, friends, I wanted to ask you are favor."

I cross my arms over my chest leaning slightly against Wolf, "Okay."

"Can you watch Liam for a few hours me and Jacin need to finalize some plans and Thorne said that he doesn't want to see Liam until he comes out of his room to land the ship. I already asked Iko but she said that she needed to talk to Oki about something. So, will you guys watch him?"

I look down at the little kid, he smirks at me, I glare at him. "Fine."

"Thank you."

Winter runs out of the room to plan another wedding.

Thank the stars it is the last one, I don't think I could take another.

Promise a better chapter is coming out tomorrow



Be Safe

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