Cinder POV

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I watch as Scarlet and the rest of them vanish into the palace from the top of the rampion. I grip my bag tighter, focusing on its weight willing my nausea to go away.

"Cinder?" Kai comes up behind me, his hands hovering over my waste unsure of what I want.

"I think I am going to skip dinner."

"No, no you are not skipping dinner." kai shakes his head starting to walk.

"Why not?" I jog to catch up to him.

"You haven't eaten anything in like two days." 

I shrug "Yes, but if I were to eat something right now it would just come right back up. So it would be pointless........ At least the landing wasn't to bad, actually I think that was the best landing I have ever witnessed."

Kai nods, "Yes it back to you eating."

"Ugh." I groan, "I am not hungry and I do not want to eat."

"Cinder this is not only about you now."

I glare at him, "I know my body better than you know it, I will be fine. Adri barely fed me anyways so not eating anything for a week is not anything un heard of for me."

"Cinder." Kai stops so that he is standing right in front of me, staring straight into my eyes, "It's not just about you right now. It is also about the baby inside of you right now, that baby is not magically going to get fed, you need to eat, you need to drink. Neither you nor the baby is going to benefit from you eating nothing. So please Cinder, eat something."

I glare at him playfully, "Why do you have to be so freaking convincing?"

His gaze hardens, "I am being serious."

"Fine," I through my hands up, "But if it comes right back up, remember this was your idea."

"I'm fine with that." Kai smiles.

I start walking again a scold fixed on my face, "Well I for one am not, I don't know if you realize it or not but vomiting is absolutely disgusting."

"I know, what you mean bu-"

"No you don't know what I mean, you have no idea what I mean. You've never been pregnant you have never been in my situation before. You have no idea." I look over to him meeting his gaze.

Kai stares back at me calculating. "Cinder, I am not saying that I know what you feel like because I don't. But I am pleading with you please eat something. Something went wrong last time but we don't know what and I am going to do everything in my power to make sure that nothing goes wrong again."

I swallow my rising emotions, letting my face relax from my scold, "Okay.......Alright."

"You'll eat something?"

I turn to him and nod, because he really is the only reason I am doing this. "I'll eat something."

"Good, cause we're here."

I look out in front of me and sure enough we are standing in front to of the dining room. How and when I got here, I don't know.

Kai pushes open the doors holding one open for me. I rake my eyes over the room, there are a lot of important people in here, I spot Scarlet, Wolf, Winter and Jacin sitting at one table. Winter holding onto Michelle.  There is no more room at the table, Kai take my hand and leads me to a table in the corner that seat to max.

I sit down and drop my bag next to me still glancing around.

Kai smirks, "No royal greeting, that's refreshing."

I look at him, rubbing my arm, "Yeah, it is I guess."

Two waiters come out carrying two of those fancy plates with those fancy silver covers. "Mr. and Mrs. Kaito, the pleasure is all mine." One of them says as they set our plates down silently on the table.

Then the speaking one picks up both of the cover revealing, pink meat over some rice drizzled with brown gravy with freckles. It smells absolutely atrocious.

I gag.

Kai looks up at me.

I smile, swallowing down the rising bile in my throat, "Smells great doesn't it?"

Kai smirks, "Yes, it does actually, but you don't seem to think so."

My gaze shift from Kai back down to the plate in front of me. Finally when I can't take it any longer, I shove the chair back and sprint out of the room.



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