Thorne POV (Adventures with the Guys)

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We pile into Wolf's hover, we meaning me, Wolf, Liam and Oki. No Kai. I know he has probably pumper gas in his life but what does that matter it is for the look. If he were to come he wouldn't be pumping gas anyway. Or maybe he wanted to impress Cinder, though if you ask me that is no way to impress a girl. Or maybe Kai didn't want to leave Cinder alone, well in that case I probably should have stayed. I mean Cress is pregnant. I let out a breath, pulling myself out of my thoughts as Wolf pulls to a stop in front of a gas station.

"Alright," Wolf hops out of the of the hover immediately casting his gaze back to me. "We're here, where are the containers?"

I blink down at him, "Containers?"

Wolf nods slowly, "Yeah, so that we carry the diesel back to the ship."

"Right....the containers."

Wolf glares at me, "You didn't bring them did you?"

Liam giggles from behind me, "Nope."

I turn around a glare at him but he continues to laugh.

"Thorne, please tell me you are joking."

I cringe.

"You are paying for brunch." Wolf growls leaping back into the hover, still glaring at me.

I glare right back crossing my arms over my chest because in my opinion, I don't really deserve the glare. So I forgot a few canisters what's the big deal. Why does he have to get so flustered?  

"It is your wedding , not mine." Wolf grumbles.

Always the grumbling and growling with this Wolf man. And always the hurrying too. Does he miss his Scarlet, think she will be attacked and no one will be able to do anything? I am not concerned, Kai is there. OH, did I say Kai, I meant Cinder. Kai probably doesn't even know how to bribe properly, that is a life lesson right there.

I hear a clearing of a throat and all I want to do is strangle it but then a voice starts to talk, it sounds like a masculine version of Iko's. Must be Oki. "I have some canisters back here Thorne asked me grab them just before we left that's why I was late to the hover. I guess he forgot he told me to get them."

I turn around, and sure enough there sits Oki with two big canisters, hopefully empty. Hopefully he and his computer are not that stupid.

Wolf raises an eye to me, I shrug. No use in lying we both know that I did not tell Oki, I mean there is a use in lying but no one would believe me so is there really a use? We all know the reason Oki was late to  the hover is because Iko didn't want him to come on our trip. "Okay," Wolf reaches back and takes the canisters from Oki's lap. He looks at me and shoves the canisters at me.

I do my best to snarl at him before I hop out of the car carrying the canister. I fill them up with gas. And do something I am only now starting to do, I pay for it. Just the thought that I have just payed for something makes my toes curl, my smile turn upside down. It gives me the shivers, and yet here I am paying. Why, because I need to set a good example for my son.

"Ready?" I say louder than I probably need to for Wolf to hear me. Given that he has superhuman hearing.

"Uh-huh." He grunts catching the first canister. 

I walk around the hover and climb in on the passenger side with the second diesel-filled canister under my arm. I shut the door with a slam, placing it at my feet I look back Wolf.

"Okay, and now to the food." He says after handing the filled canister back to Oki. 

I nod, "Where are we going, the butcher?"

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