Scarlet POV

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I think you guys deserve a break from Kaider 

I lay on the bed while Wolf massages my feet. It feels amazing. "Thanks, Wolf."

He looks up at me and grins. But then goes on pushing and rubbing my smoothe feet. 

"So, you think Cinder will take the test?"

Wolf shakes his head grinning at my feet, "No, and if she does Kai is gonna get a gray hair from it."

I giggle. She may be my friend but that doesn't mean that I will deny her stubbornness. I look down at Wolf as he moves on to my left foot leaving my right feeling new. I sigh. I don't know if Cinder is pregnant or not but she will make  a good mother. The way she took care of us all when we were on the ship,coaxing me against murdering Thorne in brutal manslaughter. I'm sorry Cress I love ya but Thorne.....

I shift around again making sure not to kick Wolf in the face. I've done it before. That was one of my bad days, one of those days where all I do is vomit. I hate those days, because Wolf hates those days. Of course I don't  like vomiting and all but the look in Wolf's eyes....Terrible, soul crushing. He thinks it's his fault and while it technically is, I don't want him to feel like that. Because than I feel like that. Like it's my fault that it's his fault. I hate that. And all that Wolf has done for me to make me comfortable on a ship piloted by Thorne, which is not an easy task, it just warms my heart. Every single part of it. Which is a whole lot of it. Even the part that belongs to my Grandmere. I sigh, again. I need something better to think about. Names, baby names.

"Wolf, have you thought of any names?"

Wolf looks up at me in surprise, "Scarlet, your barely three months, we have six months to think."

I shrug, "Six months, huh?"

He looks back up at me his hands stalling, "Yeah six months until my princess is here."

I smile at him sitting up, I carefully remove my foot from Wolf big hands. "You think it's a girl?"

His green eyes shine like the stars outside, "Yes. A little princess."

I roll my eyes, "I think it's a boy, and not a prince. Crazy one just like his papa."

"Well we are going to have a wild princess, wild like her mama."

I shake my head laughing. This, this is good. Fun. What we should have been doing this whole trip, not fighting, just good-natured, light-hearted conversations. About nothing. About life. About love.

Which I know sounds corny but still.

I need your opinion...Wolflet Boy or Girl? Vote in the comments for either a boy or a have a long time to vote cause like Wolf said Scar is only 3 months so Vote

Also I wanted to know if you guys want to here more I don't know I don't hate to write about them but.....Let's just say their not my fave. But if you ask for a Wincin chapter I will write it, the more specific you are about what you want in the chapter the faster I will get it out. Because I have ideas for everyone else except them. LIke the only WIncin chapter is about the Kaider wedding.......):

 Any ways if you want a Wincin chapter be sure to Direct Message (DM) me @sara2400north

Alright one last thing, are you guys enjoying the story or what? Like IDK




Be Safe

     -Sara (;

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