Cop!Natsu x Criminal!Reader: Undercover [requested]

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A/N: Thank you to Sachmanisthebest for the request! It's kind of long.


"Officer Dragneel, you know what you have to do?"

"Easy enough. Sneak inside, gather evidence, slip away, raid the place," he listed before turning to give a sarcastic addition. "I think I can handle a simple undercover. It's not my first time, sergeant."

"Good. Intel says that they are planning some big gun sale in about five months. Get info. And don't blow your cover with your antics."

"I don't have antics."

"Your cover was blown last time because you forgot to set your mic on a private station."

"That was one time," Natsu defended.

"Just don't fuck it up. This is important."


"Do I seriously need to wear this stupid disguise?"

"No," Natsu's partner, Lucy, snickered. "But the sergeant thinks it would be good punishment."

Natsu rolled his eyes and took off the wig and glasses before grabbing his stuff and leaving the station. He grabbed the keys to the undercover car from the front desk and exited the building for the parking lot.

"Damn. This cover sucks. Why am I always supposed to play the bastard?"


"And who are you?"

Natsu looked up at the rather tall man. He had recognized him as Todd Davis, a middle man for the boss. His brown hair covered his eyes, and he was very muscular.

"I'm the guy that can get you fired," Natsu cockily replied. "I'm here to see Jamie."

"What do you want with Jamie?"

"Business that you have no right to know about."

Todd called up to Jamie, and the higher up told him to let the pink haired man inside and show him to the office. Jamie was, of course, not the big boss. Natsu would have to work up to that meeting, and he wasn't sure if he would ever be able to get to that point, but his job was to gather tangible evidence on him. All they knew was that his name was Mark; he works behind so many men that they couldn't even find a last name for him. Anyway, Natsu followed Todd up to the office and approached the desk where a stout man sat.

"Welcome aboard, William," Jamie greeted, calling Natsu by his undercover name. "I've heard good things about you."

"No offense," Natsu started, keeping up his arrogant cover, "but I've heard some pretty nasty things about you."

Jamie gave a loud belly laugh and dismissed Todd before waving Natsu to sit on a chair in front of the desk.

"So your boss says that you're a good runner."

"I would like to think so. I've only been working with him for years."

"Just to make sure," Jamie drawled. "I need to search you. I can't have any cops hanging around the business."

"Whatever man. I don't care. What do you want me to do? Strip?"

After the inspection, Natsu was given the all clear. You see, his precinct knew that he would be getting an initial search, so they had not wired him yet. He was led into the main room where another man that Natsu recognized as Lucas Hunt sat. Jamie snapped his fingers, and Lucas stood up.

"Lucas, show this newbie around, yes?"

"Sure thing. Let's go, newbie."

After about an hour's tour, Natsu was asked to return to the main living area. He leaned his head over the back of the couch and closed his eyes, trying to relax. A few minutes passed before he heard steps walking into the room. He peeked, only slightly opening his eyes, and he found Todd entering the room with a container filled with pills that Natsu could assume were drugs. He smiled to himself. Yes, this would certainly be an interesting job.

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