Natsu x Reader: Trapped

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It was a routine request for (Y/N) and Natsu. They were to retrieve a merchant who had gotten lost in Mount Hakobe.

"I swear they said he was near here," (Y/N) stated.

Happy and Natsu whined, saying that they had been looking for three hours already.

"It's getting really cold, (Y/N). Can we take a break?"

"Happy, we need to keep moving. We'll freeze if we stay in one spot for too long. Besides, we know where we're going. We have the map."

Natsu looked away sheepishly before confessing, "Yeah, about that...I kind of forgot it."

"What?! How could you forget the map!"

"Natsu," Happy scolded, "now we're going to be stuck up here forever."

"Don't worry about that, Happy. It's not even that cold here!"

"That's because you're a fire wizard," (Y/N) reminded. "It's very cold for the rest of us."

The three continued to aimlessly wander the mountain before (Y/N) collapsed in exhaustion.

"I can't...walk anymore."

"Come on, (Y/N). We'll find the guy in no time. Then we can get back home and eat!"

"Yeah, we can eat fish!" Happy exclaimed.

The wind started to pick up, causing (Y/N) to shiver. Snow started whipping past the three. They could barely see through the thick snow in the air.

"Great," (Y/N) blurted, "now we have to fight a blizzard. What luck."

Natsu started walking in a random direction and momentarily disappeared. (Y/N) panicked once she noticed that the fire wizard was nowhere to be seen. She started to call out for him, but she got no answer. Something grabbed her shoulder and she screamed. Her first thought was that it was a Vulcan, so she instinctively punched whatever was standing there in the gut.

"Ow! (Y/N), what was that for?" Natsu groaned.

(Y/N) turned to see Natsu doubled over in pain. She rushed to him and apologized. Happy had fallen off Natsu's head from the impact and was stuck in the snow. (Y/N) quickly helped to pull him out of the pile and dust the snow off him.

"We checked out that direction," Natsu explained as he pointed what seemed to be east. "There was nothing there except more snow."

"But Natsu," (Y/N) objected as she pointed in the opposite direction, "you came from that way."

"No, I came from this way."

"That way."

"This way."

"I'm telling you, Natsu. You came from that way!"

Happy decided to speak up as he pointed towards a third direction, "Actually, I'm pretty sure we came from this way."

(Y/N) dropped down on the snow, sighing, "We're going to be stuck here forever. I just want to take a nice bath."

Natsu held out his hand for (Y/N) to take and proposed that they start walking in the only direction that the three of them didn't point out. (Y/N) sighed before taking his hand and standing up. She continued to shiver as they slowly made their way through the blizzard. They still couldn't see very far ahead of them, so they were basically walking blind through the thick snow.

"Can you smell the guy at all?"

"There's no scent that I can pick up on other than the cold air."

(Y/N) groaned before stopping. She looked towards the sky and kicked some snow in frustration.

"Natsu, (Y/N)! Look over there!"

The two wizards followed Happy's finger over towards what looked to be a cave. They both looked at each other before smiling brightly and running towards the opening.

"This should protect us from the storm, right Happy?" Natsu asked.

"Aye, sir!"

(Y/N) stepped deep inside the cave and sat down. She let out a sigh of relief as she started to relax in the cave. Her ears perked up when she heard a rumbling noise.

"Uh, guys? Did you hear that?"

Before either of them could answer her, a huge avalanche rushed down the mountain and covered the opening of the cave. Once she realized what had happened, (Y/N) started crying. Natsu and Happy whipped their heads around at the sound of her sniffles. Natsu was immediately at her side asking what was wrong.

"We're never gonna get out of here," (Y/N) sobbed. "I'm so cold and tired and hungry. I want to go home, but we're stuck in this stupid cave!"

Natsu sat down next to her and tried to calm her down, but her sobs were just as powerful as her shivers. Natsu noticed just how much she was shaking from the cold and sighed.

"Come here," he urged as he opened one of his arms, inviting her to lean into his side.

(Y/N) looked up at the dragon slayer confused.

"You're cold, right? The cold doesn't affect me because I'm a fire wizard, so I can keep you warm."

(Y/N) nodded and settled into Natsu's right side. They both wrapped their arms around each other in order to share as much heat as possible. (Y/N) sighed in content before giggling. Natsu looked at her before raising his eyebrow.

"You're like my personal space heater."

Natsu rolled his eyes as he playfully countered, "Is that all you date me for? Is my heat all that matters to you? How rude."

(Y/N) giggled again before snuggling into his side and humming. Eventually her breathing slowed and when Natsu looked down at her, (Y/N) was asleep.

"Jeez. You're just gonna leave me here awake while you nap? That's cruel."

(Y/N) smiled in her sleep before mumbling a quiet "thank you" as she snuggled even closer.

"Yeah, yeah. You're welcome."

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