Natsu x Nemesis!Reader: Claustrophobia

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Everyone thought Natsu and Gray hated each other the most, but that quickly changed once (Y/N) joined Fairy Tail.

"You would think that two fire wizards would get along," Lucy groaned.

Gray added, "Instead they decide to go at each other's throats."

The whole guild watched on as Natsu and (Y/N) continued to fight.

"You think you're so smart, huh?!"

"Unlike you, I actually have a brain! Guess what? It's supposed to be in your head!"

"What did you just say to me?!"

Everyone sighed and tried to break it up, but nothing was working. Suddenly (Y/N) and Natsu were aiming spells at each other, setting their surroundings on fire. Master Makarov had come out of his office to see the two go at it. He coughed to gain everyone's attention, but the two fighting wizards didn't even flinch from their standoff.

"Uh guys?" Mira started, "Don't you think you've fought enough for today? The master wanted to have a meeting with everyone."

"I'll stop fighting him when he learns that he shouldn't be so rude and annoying."

"Annoying? Look who's talking. At least I know--"

"Natsu," Makarov interrupted, "I think it's best to leave her alone today."

(Y/N) smirked before echoing the master, "Yeah Natsu, you better go play with your little friends and leave me be."

Natsu growled, and turned to her, completely ignoring his master's suggestion and remarked, "Yeah well at least I have friends. Nobody would want to hang out with you anyway."

(Y/N)'s smirk faltered for a second, which was noticed by everyone. She closed her eyes before fire began to ignite around her hands. She quickly punched Natsu in the face before bringing her right leg up to kick him in the stomach, making him fly across the guild. Her fire continued to burn around her before she took in a deep breath, calling off the flames. She turned to Makarov and sat down at a table in front of him.

"What did you want to meet about, master?"

"I needed to split you all off in groups for the new requests that came in. I assumed you all would be okay with it, but..."

"What is it, Gramps?" Gray pushed.

"The newest request specifically asks for two fire mages."

Everyone looked over at the two to see that they were completely ignoring the meeting and starting to fight each other again.

"Guys, come on. Can't you stop fighting for one minute?" Lucy whined.

"Natsu and (Y/N)," Makarov formally stated, "you two have been requested for a job in Hargeon."


"You have no choice! The only fire mage other than you two is Romeo and he's already away on a request of his own."

"Well then wait for him to get back and then he and this dumbass can go."

Natsu whipped his head around to glare at her, seething, "What did you just say, demon?"

(Y/N)'s eyes had an amused glint in them as she questioned, "Oh, and how am I the demon? You're the one that goes and wrecks everything."

Makarov sighed as the fighting continued. Erza then stood and stepped close to (Y/N) and Natsu.

"Enough. You mustn't fight anymore."

Natsu looked at Erza's signature stare and cowered slightly. (Y/N) on the other hand laughed and turned to Makarov, asking what the request would be.

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