Natsu x Reader: Family-versary

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A/N: Been a while since I did one of these 🙃


(Y/N) was always there. Every day Natsu would go to visit her, and every day the dragon slayer would sit down in front of her and ramble about whatever came to his mind. Their relationship was always like this, and this past year showed no difference.

Sure, he would come to see her (barging through the window, most times), but he found that meeting here in the small hill behind his house suited them the most. I mean, that's where they first met, so it's naturally the place that was deemed the most important with the pair.

And, after a heated debate, the rest of Fairy Tail agreed. The guild insisted that the guildhall was the best place, but Natsu was adamant. After a while, Natsu proved victorious. Which is, of course, not surprising, as the fire mage was undoubtedly too stubborn for his own good.

This past year was...eventful for the group of wizards. Countless adventures, countless incidences of destruction, and countless reprimands from the Magic Council. Makarov had, after speaking with the Council privately, convinced the group to "let things slide" for the time being. Why? He figured that they needed a lull before the inevitable and huge mess that the guild would surely get into as they continued taking requests from across Fiore.

"Natsu, look at this!" Happy called.

A small flower hung from his paws, its (color) petals resting together to form a captivating shape.

"(N/N)'s gonna love it," the exceed continued. "I picked it myself and everything."

"Nice thinking, buddy."

"Do you think she'll eat dinner with us tonight? I bet we're having fish!"

A small laugh was heard behind them, and Lucy came into the pair's view.

"You both act like you actually have things other than fish all the time," she jested.

Natsu and Happy looked between each other before sticking their tongues out at the celestial mage.

"Anyway," Lucy dismissed, "Master wants us at the guildhall."

The three started for the guildhall. When they arrived, they were greeted with the typical noise that labeled Fairy Tail's reputation.

"So what's going on?" Natsu probed.

Happy interjected, "We're planning dinner for (N/N). We're having fish."

Happy's announcement caused the group to eye the duo.

"(N/N)'s sleeping still," the exceed mumbled. "We can still go in case she's hungry though!"

Makarov slowly nodded before turning back to the big board that appeared behind him. It was a typical briefing - some people were harming the citizens of a nearby town, and a group of Fairy Tail wizards were assigned to help drive them out. Normally, Team Natsu would be the first to volunteer. However...

"I can't go tonight anyway, Gramps. We're eating with (N/N)."

"Seriously?" Gajeel grunted. "You eat with her every day. One day isn't going to change the fact that--"

"But it's our family-versary today!" Happy shouted.

"What is a 'family-versary,' cat?" Charle inquired, expressing everyone's confusion.

"It's our wedding anniversary today," Natsu explained, a ghost of a smile on his face. "She always uses 'family-versary' because it's the day the three of us officially became a family."

"(N/N) always likes (dessert) on the family-versary because that's her favorite dessert. And this year we're going to make a blanket and bring the food outside."

Natsu x Reader One ShotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang