Natsu x Shy!Reader: Crowds [requested]

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A/N: Thank you to @gardenofsorrow for the request! Sorry everyone - COVID has me fighting off extreme fatigue and other symptoms, so I haven't had the energy to continue. Sorry if this one is super bad. It took me forever to write it.


It wasn't that (Y/N) doesn't like talking to people. She just...well, she doesn't like talking to people. Loud, chaotic, crowded - all words to describe Fairy Tail. So, she fit right in.

As were her usual habits, (Y/N) took a seat at an empty table in the back corner of the guildhall while she ate her snack that Mira had given her. Just arriving back from a job, the (magic type) wizard was thoroughly exhausted, and all she wanted was to just sit in silence and eat her--

"You wanna go, ice boy?!"

After taking in a deep breath, (Y/N) silently pushed her plate off to the side and studied the bickering duo. Yes, this was usual. And yes, this always means the start to an all-out brawl. Which reigned true in the next minute. Screams and shouts, bangs and crashes, and a lot of magic being tossed around.

At the sound of yelling, she wordlessly (as was the usual) stood from her table and made her way to the doors, making sure to walk along the wall so as to not get caught up in the fighting. She'd just go home and relax. There was this new book that she was dying to read, and a nice, warm bath would be a perfect--

"(Y/N)," Makarov joked, "don't tell me you've already had enough?"

A loud sigh escaped her as she turned to the guildmaster and nodded.

"I can only take so much noise at a time, master. They already did this right before I left for that escort request."

Makarov let out a loud chuckle as he agreed with her statement, and he waved her off for the night.

"My child," he started.


"Happy birthday."

A small smile graced the girl's face before she spun around and made her way through the streets to get to her apartment. Soft 'clicks' echoed in the otherwise quiet night. Not that (Y/N) was complaining. No, the empty streets paired with the steady chirping of the crickets soothed her. She would even say that it was her favorite time of the day. No noise, no yelling, just...peace.

So, naturally.


Before turning around, she took a few seconds to calm her frustrations and gather her patience. (E/C) eyes came in contact with brown ones as she faced the celestial mage.

"Hi Lucy," she greeted.

"Hey, so I totally forgot that you were coming back today. I have your birthday plan set for tomorrow though."

"I dunno, Lucy. I kinda just wanna--"

The blonde slyly elaborated, "They're having a sale at the bookstore, and I'm not opposed to buying the birthday girl a book of her choice."

"You have my attention."

The pair laughed amongst themselves as the plans were made, and Lucy waved her off as she headed back to her own apartment. Her feet took her on the familiar path to her apartment, and she easily reached her door about ten minutes later. Setting down her bag, she flung herself on her bed and closed her eyes.

"This day has been so long," she breathed.

She let out a small giggle.

"Well at least it's bath time."

She heard a small rumble from the streets below, but nothing was getting in the way of her bath. Not a thing would--

"Hey (N/N), you gotta see this new spell I created."

A quiet whine was her response, her hopes of a calm evening being tossed out the same window that the culprit had come in.

"Natsu, can you show me tomorrow? I really just want to go to bed."

"But (N/N)," Happy argued, "it's your birthday. You're supposed to stay up late."

"Woah, it's totally your birthday."

(Y/N) rolled her eyes at the dragon slayer and stepped to the side as she continued to gather her things.

"So how come you never talk to anyone in the guildhall?" Natsu questioned.

"Dunno. Just don't, I guess."

"She doesn't like talking, Natsu," Happy recapped. "She doesn't make friends."

"Hey! I can make friends. I just don't see the need to talk all day."

"So you're shy," Natsu guessed. "Makes sense."

"I'm not shy," she argued. "I just don't feel that comfortable in huge crowds like that."

"Which means you're shy, (N/N)," Happy repeated.

"Fine, whatever. I'm shy. Happy?"

"What is it, (N/N)?"

"No, I wasn't asking you anything. I meant...nevermind."

Natsu took a seat on the girl's bed and stretched his legs.

"What're you doing?" She asked.

"We wanted to talk to you on your birthday. Duh."

(Y/N) placed her bath stuff off to the side and leaned her hip against the wall.

"What's up?"

"Well we were hoping you'd come with us on a request in a couple days. We need a wizard with your magic type in order for it to work."

"Then why are you taking it if you can't do it?"

"Because we wanted to go with you," Happy reminded.


After an unenjoyable train ride to Crocus, (Y/N) dragged Natsu off the train before it could take off and started off in the direction of the requester. She didn't really make it that far though. Why? Well, it could be the crowds. It could be the overwhelming noise that bounced off the packed streets. Either way, the girl felt trapped, so she scurried to an empty(ish) part of the street and waited for Natsu to regain his sense of mind.

A few minutes passed before Natsu was back to his usual self, and his eyes flooded with confusion as he found his guildmate standing awkwardly against a shop wall.

"Whaddya doing?"

"Oh nothing," she played off. "I'm just window shopping."

"You're in front of a butcher shop," Natsu deadpanned.

"So? Maybe I'm hungry."

"You just don't like the crowds," Natsu answered.

"I guess I just don't do well in situations like this. I've never really been all that good at it."

Natsu grabbed hold of one of her hands and led her through the crowds to an empty gap in the mass of people. They waited it out until the streets started to empty, leaving just a couple of stragglers and the Fairy Tail members.

"See, isn't this much better?"

(Y/N) slowly nodded and pointed in the direction of their destination. After getting more details about what was expected of them for the job, the three set off to subdue the bandits that they were tasked in arresting.

"Hey Natsu?"



A wide smile stretched across the fire mage's face as he gave a thumbs up.

"Any time."

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