Natsu x Reader: Lost

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You stepped off the train in Magnolia, taking in the sights of the town with sparkling eyes. A small map was held in your hands as you looked around. You had made it to the center of town when a strong gust of wind struck you and ripped the map out of your hands. You started to chase after it, but it was soon lost in the crowds.

"Oh man. Now what am I supposed to do?"

You groaned as you started to wander aimlessly trying to find your destination. Eventually you had come to terms with the fact that you were hopelessly lost. You turned a corner and walked into someone, causing you both to collide. You fell to the ground and rubbed your shoulder.

"Sorry about that," a voice apologized.

You looked up to see a man with pink hair and an overcoat. He had a big grin on his face as he helped you up. You looked up at him and couldn't help but return his smile.

"I haven't seen you around here before."

You looked away shyly before admitting that it was your first time in Magnolia. He nodded and went to say goodbye after apologizing again. You looked at his retreating figure before you called out.

"Excuse me, but I'm really lost. Could you help me out?"

He stopped walking and looked over his shoulder before turning back around to face you.

"Sure," he replied, chipper. "Where do you need to go?"

"I was hoping you could help me find the Fairy Tail guildhall."

"Fairy Tail? Why do you wanna go there?" Natsu questioned.

"I'm visiting."

Natsu shrugged before motioning for you to follow him. You started walking in the complete opposite direction than where you were going, causing you to sigh in frustration.

"I'm Natsu by the way."

"Natsu? As in Natsu the Salamander? Of Fairy Tail?"

"Oh? Are you a fan?" Natsu joked as his grin appeared again.

You giggled before waving it off and responding, "I've just heard a lot about you and your...destructive nature."

Natsu hung his head in defeat before mumbling something incoherent. You both stopped in front of the guildhall, your eyes shining brightly. You took in a sharp breath as he began to open the doors. Natsu looked at you and raised his eyebrow.

"What's the matter?"

"It's's Fairy Tail. Who knows what's behind that door?"

You both heard yelling and something slamming against the wall, causing Natsu to laugh loudly.

"I think it's just a normal day. No need to worry."

"That's normal?"

"Well? Come on!"

Natsu opened the doors and was immediately greeted by a table flying at him. His fire engulfed his fist and he punched the table, breaking it in half.

"Who threw that?! You almost hurt...uh," he drifted off before turning to you. "Uh, what's your name?"

You spoke as you laughed, "It's (Y/N)."

"You hear that? You almost hurt (Y/N)! How would you feel if you injured a visitor?"

"You're one to talk, Flamebrain."

"What did you just call me?!"

Natsu immediately joined the brawl, causing you to sweatdrop. You scooted along the wall and made it to the bar. You were greeted by a woman with white hair.

"Well hello there. I'm assuming you're the visitor then?"

You nodded at Mira and looked around, asking, "Um, do you know where Makarov Dreyar is? I was asked to come see him."

"Of course!" Mira happily replied before disappearing to go get him.

Mira had returned with the master a few minutes later. You stood up on instinct and held out your hand to greet him before bowing. Makarov sweatdropped before asking her to stand up straight again.

"I'm assuming your (F/N) (L/N) then? I've been expecting you."

"Yes, sir!" You replied stiffly.

He smiled before coughing loudly to gain the attention from the guild members.

"Everyone listen up! We have a new member joining today."

"Hell yeah! That means I can fight him. I'm all fired up now!" Natsu shouted.

Everyone groaned at Natsu before looking towards the bar. They saw a girl with (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes. Natsu's eyes widened as he looked at the familiar girl.

"You're the new guy?!"

"Sorry, Natsu. I guess I should've mentioned that bef--"

"Fight me!"

Everyone looked at Natsu with bored expressions, showing you that this was the norm for the guild.

"Um, Natsu, I don't really want to--"

"You better fight him now or he'll never leave you alone. Think of it like an initiation or something."

You turned to a man with raven hair and became flustered as you spoke, "Why...aren't you wearing a shirt?"

"Oh shit!"

Natsu jumped in front of you and demanded that you fight him again. You sighed before agreeing and walking towards the center of the guildhall. You both got into fighting positions, Natsu's fists starting to burn with flames. You stayed still as he lunged at you. In one swift motion, you grabbed his arm and whipped him down to the ground. He landed with a loud "thump" and winced.

"Well look at that," Gray snickered, "there's another person who can knock him down in one shot."

"Natsu," you started, looking at him concerned as you crouched down to his level, "are you alright?"

Natsu hissed as he sat up before giving you a grin and assuring, "That was nothing! I was just testing your magic."

"I don't really wish to fight you again, Natsu. I don't like hurting my teammates."

You smiled at him and helped him up. You then returned to the bar to approach the master.

"Master Makarov, what would you like me to do?"

Makarov laughed loudly, "We don't have many rules about what you have to do. You can go on jobs that you're approved of. I would suggest finding a place to live first. You're free to stay in the dorms."

You nodded before introducing yourself to your new guildmates. A brawl broke out again, everyone screaming and hollering. Another table came flying at you. You turned around and broke the table with your fist. You huffed before joining the fight.

I guess I can stay here. 

Natsu x Reader One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora