Natsu x Reader: New Year

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Great. Just what I need.

(Y/N) stood off to the side of the room as others mingled with each other. The holiday party remained mostly calm with some incidents of overly hyper men cheering with each other over the football game they were watching in the other room. The (H/C) woman scanned the room again, her eyes landing on the one person she didn't want to see. They seemed to make eye contact and (Y/N) cursed. She saw the smirk on her ex-boyfriend's face and prepared for whatever bullshit he was going to come out with once she saw that she was sauntering over to her.

"Fancy seeing you here, (Y/N). I didn't think you'd have the guts to show yourself here."

(Y/N) rolled her eyes and countered, "Well this is my friend's party. You're only here because her brother is your best friend."

He had continued to bother her, rubbing it in her face that he had a "super hot piece" and that she was here with him. (Y/N) couldn't help but feel out of place throughout his speech.

"She does so much more than you too," he smirked. "Not like you did much anyway."

"Well I'm very happy for you," she managed to force out. "Now can I get back to enjoying the party?"

"You? A party? Enjoying it? Oh please. We both know you'd rather be at home in your lonely apartment and your asshole cat reading some trashy romance novel. I mean, that's the only way you'll witness any love."

"Yeah I know. You proved that."

He laughed, as if taunting her. All she wanted to do was have him leave so that she could return to the corner she was sitting at.

"Listen, I hate to cut this conversation short, but I really don't wanna be here talking with you."

"What's wrong (Y/N)? Intimidated by how great I'm living my life while you're still stuck at that deadend job with no one to talk to?"

Suddenly, (Y/N) felt a kiss on her cheek. She jumped at the touch and whipped her head around to see a man with pink hair and black eyes.

"There you are. I've been looking for you everywhere, love."

If (Y/N) could have, her jaw would've dropped open. Her ex's face looked just as shocked as hers. The pink haired man just grinned down at you.

"Who the hell are you?"

Natsu looked at her ex-boyfriend and smiled before echoing, "Well who are you?"

(Y/N) looked between them rapidly.

"Uh, this is Richard. He's my ex. Richard, this is--"

"Natsu. Her current boyfriend."

(Y/N) silently choked on her drink as she looked up to the man saying his name was Natsu with wide eyes. Natsu just looked at her and winked.

"So Richard, are you the boyfriend that completely fucked her life?"

"What's it to you?"

Natsu shrugged and gently placed his hands on both of (Y/N)'s shoulders as he stood behind her.

"I guess I just wanna know what kind of dick you are. Say, is that what your friends call you. Dick? That's short for Richard and quite frankly fits you perfectly."

(Y/N) looked at Natsu's smug face and back to Richard's pissed off demeanor. Sensing that a fight would potentially break out, she quickly pushed Natsu into the corner she was sitting at originally and waved her sarcastic goodbyes to Richard. Once they made it to the corner, (Y/N) glared at Natsu.

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