Natsu x Reader: Worry [requested]

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A/N: Thank you to Sachmanisthebest for the request! SPOILERS: TARTAROS ARC. Also I altered the course of the fight in order to match whatever plot I came up with, sorry!



Natsu's ears perked up as he continued to battle Temperster. Her magic was very distinct. He had always been able to sense when she used it, his ears being very sensitive already. Worry gripped at his brain as he envisions any possible dangers that she was facing. She could take care of herself, sure. She was powerful enough to go toe to toe with him going all out, something he admired. But he couldn't help but picture the worst. They were, afterall, up against demons. Demons that were very powerful. The ones that even the strongest members of Fairy Tail were struggling against.

He tried to push it away. He tried to focus, he really did. But his anxiety was getting the better of him. With every passing second, the sound of her magic grew more prominent in his ears. You see, her and Wendy were tasked with stopping the Faces at the source, and from the sound of it, they had run into some trouble.

"Will you focus already, Salamander?" Gajeel grunted.

Natsu narrowed his eyes at his black haired friend and went to bite back at him, but the two demons lunged at them before he could. The fire mage scoffed before punching Tempester. He was pushed back, and gripped the ground to stop himself from sliding too far back.

His ears twitched again and he groaned.

"This is so unfair!" He yelled.

"Why do you worry, human? Your friend will surely meet his demise as he faces Torafuzar. You are all but specs in our plan."

"Who, Gajeel?" Natsu questioned before he shrugged and casually waved it off, "Yeah I'm not even thinking about him."

"What was that, Salamander?"

"You heard me."

The demons lunged at them again, and they jumped back just in time to evade their attacks. Natsu looked in the direction of the noise and pressed his lips into a thin line. His mind was completely distracted and he had a hard time trying to come up with a quick plan of attack. He ended up settling for his usual plan. That is, to not have one. It would work best for the situation, he reasoned. Fire engulfed his fists and he tried to land a hit on Tempester, but the demon was able to weave around him.

Natsu let out a 'tsk' and cast a Roar at him. He froze when he heard her magic again, but it was more frantic and rushed. His head whipped behind him, facing the source of noise. He jumped when a voice appeared in his head.

Stop worrying.

Her familiar voice soothed him, but it didn't stop his fear of the unknown.

Natsu, I'm fine. You need to focus on your own mission. I have Wendy and Charle with me to help.

I have a right to be worried. Did you run into trouble?

His name is Ezel. We have it covered.

Natsu shook his head and turned back to the two demons, punching his hand, flames sparking around him.

"Let's do this."

"Well it's about time," Gajeel drawled.

"Shut up!"

They continued to fight, but he stopped moving completely when he heard a huge explosion. It was coming from the same direction as her location. His eyes widened and his breath hitched. He listened for any noise to signal her safety, but none came.

Are you there?

He was met with a deathly silence. A low growl was heard from the dragon slayer before he activated his dual mode and lunged at the demons again, his pupils rapidly shrinking and growing in size.

"Natsu," Lucy called, "what happened?"

He didn't answer, opting to headbutt one of the demons. They were soon submerged into a black water, and the world became fuzzy. He tried to resist the effects of the water, but it proved too much.


After Gajeel had defeated Torafuzar, the water retreated and they had all stirred as they regained consciousness. Natsu's head swung up and he quickly stood up.

Can you hear me?


"Natsu, what's wrong?"

He answered Lucy without his eyes leaving the far direction, "There was a massive explosion and she stopped communicating."

"Where's Warren? I'm sure we can get him to project something to her and Wendy."

"I've been trying."

"No offense, Salamander, but you can't use telepathy."

"Shut it, bolts. I can use it just fine with her."

"Yeah, when she initiates it with her telepathy. You can't start it for the life of you."

Natsu growled and went to yell at him again when Tempester stood up and prepared to continue their battle.

"I'm not dealing with you right now," Natsu declared as he held out his hand in a 'stop' gesture.

"You have no choice, human."

Natsu, you idiot. What did I say about worrying?

The dragon slayer smiled wide at the sound of her voice.

You worried me.

I could tell. All three of us are fine. Mest came and teleported us to a safer spot. We have a problem though.


That demon asshole ripped my pants.

Natsu laughed at her casual demeanor.

Don't laugh, Dragneel. They were my favorite pants.

He faced Tempester and sent another Roar at him, following up with his Iron Fist. His Talon came seconds later, and everyone looked on as fire surrounded them.

"He either got really good news or really bad news and I can't tell which," Gajeel commented.

Lucy answered, "I'm going with good news. He's not shouting."

Laxus soon arrived, and he lended a hand in defeating the demon. Natsu heard her again. She was closer this time. Very close.

Where are you?

Follow the trail of black water.

That stuff is everywhere, idiot. It's water.

Uh, by a bunch of rubble.

You're infuriating sometimes.

Her voice disappeared, but Lucy jumped in surprise a second later, showing that she had turned to Lucy for directions. She had arrived a little while later and crossed her arms. Natsu smiled wide and went to hug her, but she stepped back and started to scold him, saying that he should learn to focus on the fight in front of him instead of worrying about her every second. Natsu rubbed the back of his head and laughed nervously as he listened to her lecture.

"I love you?" He tested.

She rolled her eyes and smacked his arm, but a small smile crept onto her face.

"I love you too. But please stop letting your worry affect your ability to fight. You're gonna get yourself seriously injured."

"I can't promise anything."

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