Sad!Natsu x Reader

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Natsu's been acting weird lately, and you were starting to worry. He would distance himself from his friends and start picking fights more often. He was currently fighting Elfman, and you had enough of it, so you walked in the middle of them and held Natsu's ears. The fire that was surrounding his fist immediately went out as he started to wince from the pain in his ear. You kicked Elfman in the stomach, sending him flying across the hall, and turned to Natsu and punched him in the gut. He groaned as he fell to the floor on his knees, cradling his stomach.

"Now," you started with a stern voice, "do you mind telling me what's going on?"

Natsu continued to moan in pain, so he didn't answer you. You sighed and crouched down to his level and grabbed his arm gently. You raised an eyebrow at him as he looked up at you with a bored expression. He huffed before picking himself back up and walking over to Mira at the bar.

You turned to Team Natsu and asked, "Do any of you know what's wrong?"

"Other than the usual fighting between Gray and Natsu, nothing really happened," Lucy responded as she shrugged.

"I do find it quite peculiar," Erza observed. "He did start acting pretty strange on our way back to Magnolia."

You looked over at Natsu as he sat and angrily ate his food that Mira had given him. It was weird for you; you had never, ever seen Natsu angry enough to ignore you like that. Sure, you've seen him start fights, but that was normal. Your eyes were clouded with concern.

"Has he said anything?"

Gray scoffed before replying, "Just his usual annoying antics."

You made your way over to the bar and sat a couple chairs away from Natsu. You ordered some food and you both ate in silence. You would look over at him occasionally, but he was just stuffing his face with a scowl on his face. You looked at Mira and saw that she had a solemn look on her face. Your eyebrows knitted together before looking back to Natsu. You took in a deep breath and prepared for the worst as you took a guess.


Mira and Natsu jolted. You hopped off your chair and went to sit down on the chair next to Natsu. You put your hand on top of his, making him flinch slightly.

"Come on," you urged.

Natsu turned around and went to snap when he saw your wet eyes. He froze before reluctantly following her to Lisanna's grave.

"We all used to come out here all the time," you started.

Natsu continued to remain silent. You led him to the hut that the three of you shared and dragged him inside.

"You know," you joked, "this seemed to be a lot bigger when we were kids."

You saw the ghost of a smile on his face at your words, but it quickly disappeared. You sat down in the middle of the hut and patted the ground next to you. Natsu's eyes drifted to the forest outside. You smiled before coughing to get his attention. He sighed and joined you on the ground. You smiled and held one of his hands with both of yours, squeezing tightly.

"I miss her, too."

Natsu started shaking before he pulled his hand away from you. He gripped both sides of his head and folded over so his head was by his knees. You took one of your hands on his shoulder and pulled him into your side. He started to sniffle, causing you to start. You both sat there sniffling and holding onto each other.

"Hey (Y/N)?"

You looked up to see that he had tears streaming down his face, but he had his signature grin. He wiped away your tears with his thumb, and you laughed lightly before doing the same to him. He placed his forehead on yours and held both your hands just as you did before.

"You wanna go for some fish?"

You howled in laughter as you looked up to his smiling face. You could tell that he was still fighting tears.

"Why don't I just cook some fish? We're both totally not ready to eat in public."

"Can we go to your place? Mine's a mess."

"Natsu, when isn't it a mess?"

Natsu shrugged before leading you out of the hut and dragging your back to your apartment. He instinctively went to jump through the window when you grabbed his ear for the second time that day.

"Natsu! I'm literally right here with a key!"

"Oh," he grinned and sheepishly rubbed the back of his head as he apologized, "I guess I'm just used to barging in."

"No kidding."

You unlocked the door and Natsu immediately went over to your couch and jumped on it. You laughed at his childish antics before going over to your fridge.

"Should I even bother making a vegetable for the fish?"

"Ew, no."

You shook your head before grabbing a magnet and throwing it at him, hitting his head.

"Ow, what was that for?"

"You should really learn to eat healthier."

"Fish is healthy!" Natsu defended.


The doors to the hall were roughly kicked open as a voice shouted, "Laxus, fight me!"

Everyone groaned and turned to face the door, expecting a pissed off Natsu. They were instead greeted by Natsu's smiling face as he started to cast a spell. Everyone looked at Natsu confused, but he was quickly knocked down to the ground by Laxus's arm.

Natsu eventually got up and joined Team Natsu at their usual table. He started happily chatting to them which confused them completely. You stood in the doorway with a smile on your face. Lucy looked over at you and raised an eyebrow at you, earning her a shrug in response.

"What did you do?" Mira laughed as you sat down at the bar.

"Sometimes talking does the trick."

"Hm," Mira playfully spoke, "I guess best friend talks are really helpful, but did you by any chance bribe him as well?"

You both giggled before talking to each other, occasionally looking towards Natsu to make sure that he was okay.

"Lisanna, Natsu and you were always so close. I'm sure she's smiling down now after seeing that you and Natsu are still best friends."

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