Natsu x Reader: Discovery

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A/N: Thank you to @alejandraC2003 for the request! Not sure if it's what you wanted, but hopefully you like it. Sorry for the delay (again)!


"Watch it!"

"Well maybe you should watch where you're going then."

As usual, a fight broke out between the well-known rivals - Natsu and Gray. It was, as you can probably already tell, a usual occurrence in the guild. It did, afterall, happen every day.

"Guys," a voice spoke, "you're going to break something and then Gramps will get mad again."

And then there was (Y/N) (L/N): the non-wizard of Fairy Tail. She had quickly adapted to the numerous fights, as she was usually the person to clean up any thrown food and broken glasses that resulted from the brawls. There wasn't a day in the guild that didn't involve some sort of damage control, but (Y/N) didn't mind.

You see, though not a wizard, Makarov welcomed her. With nowhere to go after escaping death when her village was attacked, she wandered around Fiore until she set foot in Era. And that was the date of the fateful encounter. Because on that cloudy day there was the guildmaster meeting. And on that day she met the guild master that helped to change her life.

It was a chaotic day when she met the rest of the guild. She didn't even have a chance to introduce herself to everyone before a fight broke out. Without any magic abilities, (Y/N) suggested that she repay Makarov by working around the guildhall. And that is how she landed the busy job of clean-up. But she didn't mind.

"It's no use, (N/N)," Lucy sighed. "They've been at it for an hour now."

A loud call was heard from the bar, and all eyes landed on the pissed-looking master.

"She just cleaned this morning!" He shouted.


"Hey (N/N)!"

(Y/N) looked over her shoulder, spotted the salmon haired dragon slayer jogging towards her, and set down the tray of mugs that she was carrying.

"What's up?"

"So there's a request that I'm going on in Margaret Town and it's just an escort, so I wanted to ask if you wanted to come with us. I'm sure you need to get outta here for a while."

"Margaret Town?" She wondered out loud. "Who else is going?"

"Wendy and Lucy--"

"Are you forgetting someone important?" Gray prompted.

"Not at all," Natsu smoothly replied, causing another heated argument.

(Y/N) watched in silence as insults were thrown, and once it started to look like it would turn physical, the (H/C) haired girl clapped her hands to distract them. Once they settled down, (Y/N) revealed that she would like to come. So, she went home and started packing.

Once home, (Y/N) shuffled over to her closet, packing the necessary clothes and other items that she would need on their journey.

"Natsu is right. It's going to be nice to get out."

She smiled to herself, zipped her bag shut, and crawled into bed as she eagerly awaited the next day.



An enthusiastic nod was received from the (E/C) eyed girl. She never got to go on requests. Wholly reasoned by the fact that she had no magical abilities, that is.

"So what're we even doing?" Lucy wondered.

(Y/N) did a double-take, asking, "You don't know what request you took?"

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