Dark!Natsu x Reader: Demon Pt. 2 [requested]

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SPOILERS: TARTAROS ARC (well, sort of)

A/N: Thank you to @LifesBadWithoutAnime for the request! So for this one shot, Fairy Tail does not get disbanded because I just didn't want to have a new member and then just split off. Anyway, enjoy!


SPOILERS: TARTAROS ARC (well, sort of)

It was true what the members of Fairy Tail had said - Natsu was being held accountable for helping rebuild Magnolia after the incident with Tartaros. And, something was also true: Natsu was correct when saying that he was better at breaking things than fixing them. Because he, somehow, destroyed some of the surviving buildings, namely the bakeshop and one of the magic item shops.

The Fairy Tail wizards, like they promised, watched Natsu very carefully since he joined the guild. Afterall, he was part of the same Tartaros that destroyed the town in the first place, not to mention the fact that he was part of the group to threaten to unseal E.N.D. and take their magic away.

"It doesn't mean he's not trying," (Y/N) defended.

The guild looked on at the scene in front of them: Natsu was trying (and failing miserably) to assist one of the residents with stacking bricks to make a wall that originally acted as a fence in separating the two neighboring houses. Instead of aiding in stacking, Natsu had somehow managed to break the bricks as he placed them down.

"He might be trying," Gray answered, "but it's not doing any good. Like, at all."


And, though Gray tried to stop (Y/N) from calling him over, she had ignored the ice mage and continued to shout at the fire demon. Eventually coming over to the small group, Natsu waited for her next words.

"Well I was thinking that maybe you could help by the trains," she suggested. "They need help rebuilding the tracks, and your fire can help mold the metal back into place, right?"

"Uh, I can certainly try."

So, he made his way over to the train. Surprisingly, Natsu was able to make great progress with rebuilding the tracks, pleasing both himself and the townspeople around him. After a couple more hours, everyone reconvened at the place where the guildhall once stood.

"I see that everyone has been helping rebuild the town," Makarov praised. "Very well done, children."

"Our next order of business," Erza took over, "is that we have to now rebuild the guildhall."

They all nodded, and, upon gathering the necessary tools, started working right away. Everyone was split into groups and assigned a task, mainly depending on their skills. As they all wandered off to start working, Natsu slipped over to (Y/N).

"Hey, water lady," he called.

"My name is (Y/N). You know that already."

"Yeah, yeah. Anyway--"

"You're not getting out of helping," she sternly spoke. "You promised to help."

"I did help," he defended. "I helped more in these past few days than I have ever done anything good before now. Remember, demon of Zeref? Known for horrendous actions?" He drawled, making hand motions to solidify his reminder to her.

"Well now you're 'Natsu, member of Fairy Tail,' and Fairy Tail wizards help both each other and whoever needs help. Your days of wreaking havoc don't matter in the present. It's what you do now that counts."

"You all are way too forgiving for your own good."

"We believe in the good of people."

"You're putting your trust in the person who tried to kill you just a short while ago. Doesn't seem very smart to me."

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