Detective!Natsu x Detective!Reader: Newbie [requested]

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A/N: Thank you SJDragneel for the request! Up next: stargazing!


She always wanted to be a detective, so when she finally got the chance, she jumped at the opportunity. (Y/N) had only been an official detective for little over a year, which meant that she usually got the lower-level cases from the higher ups. She didn't mind though. As long as she got to do the job she loved.

All the years that (Y/N) had been training and going to school to get the job she strived for, there was one person that she looked up to. An idol even. Mr. Dragneel, the most famous detective. He took on the most difficult cases, not to mention the amount of high profile cases he had solved. She strived to be like him in every way. The way that he seemed to connect things that no other person would was amazing in itself, but to be able to solve an entire cold case in three days was something unheard of.

Her boss had asked her to come in early that day, so she did. Nerves started to spike, thinking that she was in trouble. You see, since she was a new detective, she seemed to get overlooked a lot by her coworkers and superiors. So when she was told to be the only person to come in, she automatically thought that she had done something wrong.

After weaving her way through the halls, she knocked on the door to her sergeant and patiently waited for her to welcome her in. She heard a quiet 'come in' before she opened the door, awkwardly standing in the doorway as her sergeant fixed some files on her desk.

"Sergeant Sophia, you asked for me?"


"Um, why?"

Sophia had grabbed a case file from her desk drawer and tossed it on the desk, sliding it over toward (Y/N). The file folder sat on the edge of the desk before (Y/N) was instructed to take it. The large 'URGENT' stared back at her. She looked at it, wide eyed, before turning her attention back to her sergeant.

"Congratulations, newbie. You've received your first big case."

Her mouth hung open as she quickly flipped through the case file.

"But this is..."

"The homicide of a well-known CEO."

"Are you sure you want me in this case? I mean, I've only had smaller cases before. Wouldn't I need more experience?"

"You'll have help."

"Yeah but, I mean, I'm still just new to all this. I don't think another detective is going to help me do something I don't know how to do."

Sophia smiled and waved behind (Y/N) for someone to come in.

"I have a feeling this detective can help show you the ropes."

(Y/N) looked over her shoulder and gasped. Standing there was the best detective of her time, the one with the best solve percentage of any detective in the area. Mr. Dragneel, the unbelievable detective that she had looked up to since she started her schooling.

"So you're the newbie?" Natsu teased. "Welcome aboard."

She felt lightheaded, and she was convinced that she was going to faint.

"I-I, I mean, you, uh, I mean, uhhh...hi?"

The star detective laughed at her attempt at an introduction and extended his hand to shake hers. She hesitantly reached out too, her trembling hand weakly shaking his.

"So Sophia," Natsu casually stated, "when do we start?"

"Well Mr. Dragneel, I just gave her the case file, so we will still have to brief her, but then you're all set."

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