Natsu x Reader: Chilly [requested]

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A/N: Thank you to yeshud for the request!


(Y/N) grabbed the blanket tighter as she folded herself into it, tucking the blanket into every crevice. She bunched the blanket under her knees and into her elbow, ducking down so her head was welcomed into the small cocoon that she had formed. Hot breaths were blown towards her hands as she tried to warm herself up. Her one blanket just wasn't cutting it, so she took in a deep breath before popping her head out, causing a cold sensation to dance across her face.

A loud sigh was heard as she jumped off the couch and padded across the house to the hallway closet. She spotted the stack of blankets and smiled wide. The blankets were grabbed as she stood on her toes, and they were quickly brought down before feet darted back to the couch. (Y/N) puffed out her chest at the small victory and opened all the blankets, jumping under them. Her body shook, the cold going to her bones.

She heard a small laugh. Her head once again peeked out, her eyes landing on Natsu as he stood in the frame of the front door. His eyes held amusement as he watched her underneath multiple heavy blankets.

"Cold again, love?"

"It's not funny," she muttered.

Natsu dropped the groceries down into the kitchen and started to put them away. Her curiosity got the better of her, so she took the thickest blanket and wrapped it around herself before making her way to the kitchen to see what he bought. He was crouching as he put stuff into the lower cabinets, so she was able to spy over his shoulder and into the bag.

"Did you get some rice?"

"You never told me which kind, so I just grabbed the one we usually use."

"Did you get bread?"

"Of course I did."

"And what about--"

Natsu stood up and stretched before spinning around and placing his hand on her cheek.

"You gave me a list, remember?"

She inched closer to him, and hugged him. A small vibration was caused by his chuckle. Warm arms engulfed her, and she pressed herself against him. She felt him push her backwards towards the living room, so she peeked up at him in confusion.

"Where're you taking me?"

"To your little castle."

They reached the couch and (Y/N) crawled back into her blankets. She looked up at him expectantly, causing another laugh.

"Come cuddle."

"I have to make dinner."

"Cooking fish takes like two seconds with your fire. I need your warmth."

She heard shuffling and afterwards the couch dipped.

"Can I come in?" Natsu joked.

(Y/N) made a small opening for him to slide in and scooted closer to him once he was next to her. She draped her arms across his stomach and wiggled his arm up so that she could nestle into his side. Her body took in the heat that he gave off and let out a contented breath. Natsu looked down and took in her features, a small smile gracing his face. He went to get up to get something when (Y/N) tightened her hold on him.

"Noo," she whined, "you have to stay."

"I'll be right back, (N/N)," came his entertained explanation. "I'm just getting some water."

"Take me with you."

Natsu locked eyes with her, seeing that she was completely serious, and stood up, wrapping her up in a blanket and lifting her off the couch. (Y/N) beamed and cuddled into his chest as he walked them back to the kitchen. He steadied her with one arm and got a cup of water with his other.

"This isn't gonna work, love."

(Y/N) slid out of his hold and placed her feet on the floor, shivering at the cold that the surface shot through her. She waddled back to the couch and waved him towards her. He shook his head, a smile present. Seconds later, they were both curled up in the blankets.

"You're warm. It's nice."

Natsu brought a hand up to stroke her hair and kissed the top of her head. He felt her snuggle into him again and rested his hand across her shoulder, curling it around her to pull her closer. He used his other hand to grab the back of her knees and swing her legs so they stretched over his lap, pushing on her lower back to bring her towards him.

"You're the best cuddler," she whispered.

"You're just saying that because I'm warm."

A small giggle sounded from (Y/N) and she tilted her head up to kiss the underside of his jaw. Her hand sprawled across the side of his face, her thumb running over his cheek.

"Your hands are cold."

(Y/N) rolled her eyes and stated that it was because she herself was cold. He took her hands and cupped them in his, pressing them together for warmth.

"You should just breathe fire on me and then I'll be warm."

"Yeah, and severely burned."

He looked at her lopsided grin and leaned down to kiss her nose. Her giggles returned when he started to trail kisses from her nose to her shoulder and back up to her cheek. She squirmed when he started to run his hand over her thigh and gave him a quick kiss before she leaned on him and closed her eyes.



"I kinda figured," he teased.

Her breathing started to slow, so Natsu shifted again, turning and leaning back across the couch. (Y/N) quickly followed his movements, laying on top of him with her head on his chest. She grabbed his right hand in her left one and fisted his vest with her other.

"I really like your snuggles," she stated.

"I really like you," he countered.

"Really? Because I love you."

Natsu laughed lowly and lifted his head to kiss her temple. She had fallen asleep by this point, leaving Natsu to watch her slowly breathe.

"I love you too."


Happy had convinced Lucy to help him carry back the fish that he had caught, saying it was sure to surprise (Y/N) and Natsu. Lucy had reluctantly agreed and followed the exceed to their house. Happy unlocked the door and slowly pushed it open.

"Happy," Lucy started after seeing the dark house, "are you sure either of them are here?"

"Natsu said he was coming home to check on (Y/N) earlier."

Lucy quietly turned on the lacrima, lighting the main room with a dim light. She laughed when she saw the couple asleep on the couch covered in a massive pile of blankets.

"I guess she was cold again."

"When isn't she?" Happy added.

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