Natsu x Reader: Forsaken Pt. 2

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A/N: Hey y'all! I was in the mood to write some (sort of?) angst, so I did. Sorry that it's terrible. Thanks for reading!


It was a hard truth for everyone in Fiore to accept: the team that left for the S-class trial did not return, and when search parties went out to look for them, nothing was found. They couldn't find the island, and nobody had seen their bodies or any sign of them. Everyone in Fairy Tail was heartbroken, devastated, depressed. They all couldn't believe that they were really gone. There was one person who took it harder than the others.

"(Y/N), did you want to come to eat with us?" Romeo tested. "We can go to that diner that you like."

She didn't look up from the table she was staring at, and she made no move to show that she had heard him. Since the disappearance, (Y/N) had been rapidly declining, both in physical and mental health. Romeo looked at his father for help, but he just shook his head and told him to leave her be. They heard a small sniffle from the table, and soon tears dripped onto the wood. Macao sighed and walked over to the table, sitting down across from her.


"Don't. Just don't try. It's pointless anyway."

They left her be, but Romeo sat across from her and kept her company while she cried. She appreciated the gesture, but nothing would work to mend her broken heart. He had left, and he wasn't coming back.

"You promised," she weakly whispered through her tears.

Romeo reached his hand across the table for her to take, and she slowly met his hand to hold.

"We'll all get through this together," he assured.

"I never should've come here. I should've just stayed alone. If I just stayed lonely then I wouldn't get hurt by people leaving."

"But that's not a way to live--"

"This isn't either," she countered.


They all watched her as she played with her fingers. The guild had decided to let her be, as nothing they were saying was helping. She had changed in the year that had passed. In that year, she didn't laugh. She didn't smile. She barely talked.

"I'm going on this one," (Y/N) stated as she handed the request to Macao.

"(Y/N), this is too dangerous to go on alone. You need someone to--"

"I'm going on it alone," she firmly spoke.

With that, she quickly got up and exited the guildhall. Everyone looked at each other before turning their heads towards the door.

"What can we do, dad?" Romeo questioned. "I don't think she'll be able to take much more."

And he was right. Because for three weeks, they hadn't seen her. Jet and Romeo went to see if she was at home, but they found Natsu's house empty of any life. After telling the guild, they all went out looking for her, but they couldn't find any sign of her.

"Where did she go?"

"She went on that request up in the mountains," Macao explained. "It should've only taken a week."

Macao grouped Max, Romeo, Jet and Droy to go search for her, but they all returned a week later empty handed. The guild master never said it, but he feared the worst. He looked around to find the request flyer and took a good look at it.

"What was she thinking?" He mumbled. "At this point..."


Seven years had gone by, and neither the Tenrou team or (Y/N) had shown up. Fairy Tail never stopped looking for either, but after years of looking, their hopes had been destroyed. (Y/N) had been missing for six years, and Fairy Tail had finally declared her as dead. A small funeral was made for her, but they couldn't find her body anywhere, so they buried the necklace that Natsu had given her that was left behind.

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