Natsu x Reader: Stargazing

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Thank you to yeshud for the request! Up next: another high school au!


It was their anniversary, and Natsu knew exactly what to do to make it the best day for (Y/N). He started planning it months in advance, picking out the perfect spot and researching the star positions (with the help of Lucy's spirits, of course). The pile of blankets was folded by the couch and the snacks were gathered on the counter.

"Natsu, what's all this for?" Happy questioned.

"It's our anniversary today, so I'm taking her out to the forest to look at the stars."

As if on cue, the front door opened, revealing the familiar (H/C) hair. Her eyes scanned the mess that was the living room before meeting Natsu's black eyes and raising an eyebrow.

"And why, may I ask, is there stuff thrown all around? I just cleaned this room last night."

"I have a surprise for you."

"It better be a good one because I can't even see the floor anymore."

"But (Y/N)," Happy interrupted, "it's your anniversary today. You can't be mad at him."

(Y/N) laughed quietly at the exceed's reasoning and hung her coat up. She stood with her hands on her hips as she waited for Natsu's explanation. He had now realized just how much of a mess he had made as he looked at all the closet stuff scattered around the room.

"So I was thinking--"

"Oh god."

Natsu huffed and continued, "So I was thinking that we could do something for our anniversary tonight."

"And what exactly is that?"

Natsu pointed over to the blankets and then to the basket of food on the counter. He smiled wide as he revealed that they were going into the park for a picnic. She waited for him to continue, and he laughed before revealing the best part.

"I figured we could go tonight and watch the stars."

(Y/N)'s eyes lit up and a small squeal came from her. Her casual and disinterested demeanor quickly melted away and was replaced by a giddy one. She started to ramble about where the perfect spot was and what time they should go. Seconds later, her arms were wrapped around him as she squeezed him. Natsu let out a chuckle and gently put her at an arm's length.

"So I'm guessing you don't like my gift?"

(Y/N) giggled and kissed his cheek before disappearing into the kitchen. She returned drinking water.

"So what time are we going?"

"Whenever the sun goes down."

They sat and talked about what they would do for the rest of the day, and they settled on staying in and enjoying each other's company. They had ended up with (Y/N) curled into Natsu. (Y/N) had started to drift off with Natsu rubbing her arm. Her breathing slowed, and her grip on his vest loosened. The dragon slayer looked down to see that her face was pressed into his side as she slept. He chuckled and ran his fingers through her hair before drifting off himself.

Hours later, (Y/N) stirred in her sleep, her eyes cracking open to see the dark of the night through the windows. She shifted so she was looking at the sleeping Natsu and untangled them.

"Natsu," she quietly spoke.

He seemed to not hear her, so she started a little bit louder. When that didn't work, she took his shoulder and shook him. Still nothing. She ended up giving him a few more minutes, so she stepped into the kitchen and went into the fridge to get a snack. She felt a weight on her back a minute later, and a chin rested on her shoulder.

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