Dad!Natsu x Mom!Reader: Christmas

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"Were you able to wrap everything? You know how she likes to snoop."

Natsu chuckled, "Don't worry. She's not finding a single one this year. They're all hidden above her eyesight."

Natsu flopped on the couch next to (Y/N) and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. (C/N) came running into the living room and stopped in front of her parents. She held up her hands in a childish way, and Natsu quickly picked her up and sat her on his lap.

"Daddy, you'll never guess what Uncle Elfman told me!"

"Oh? What was that?"

"He said that I could be a real man if I finished all my vegetables, and that Santa will bring me lots of presents!"

Natsu and (Y/N) looked at each other before smiling at their friend's antics.

"So does that mean you'll eat all your vegetables from now on?" (Y/N) questioned.

(C/N) nodded enthusiastically before she turned to Natsu and squished his cheeks, yelling, "Does that mean that Santa will bring me what I want? Will he bring me a kitty?"

Natsu held his daughter's tiny hands in his and smiled at her softly.

"You have to remember, sweetheart. A lot of kids ask for a whole bunch of presents, so you can't be upset if you don't get everything you want."

"What did you ask from Santa, mommy?"

(Y/N) overdramatically brought her hand under her chin and thought. She looked (C/N) in the eyes and said, "I asked Santa for all of us to have a very merry Christmas."

"And a happy new year?" Natsu joked.

They all laughed before (C/N) jumped off Natsu's lap and ran up to her room.

"Where is she going?" Natsu asked.

(Y/N) smiled knowingly as their daughter returned to the living room holding a small box.

"This is for you, daddy! Mommy and I got it for you!"

"Aren't I supposed to wait until tomorrow?"

"No way. The rules clearly state that you can open one present before Christmas," (C/N) argued.

"Go ahead and open it," (Y/N) soothed. "She looked everywhere for it."

Natsu smiled wide and took the box from his daughter before going to shake it.

"Daddy, no! You can't shake it."

Natsu stopped moving the box and started playing the question game with her.

"Is it a balloon?"


"Is it a baseball?"

"No, daddy. Baseballs aren't breakable."

"Is it a picture frame?"

"No," (C/N) giggled.

"Is it a...rocket?" Natsu asked as he faked excitement.

"Daddy, no! You have to open it to find out."

Natsu laughed before slowly unwrapping the box, revealing a small snow globe. Natsu shook it a couple times and watched the water twist. (C/N) stood proudly in front of him.

"Do you like it?"

Natsu set down the snow globe on the coffee table and scooped his daughter up.

"I love it."

"Now I get to open one!"

Both parents looked at each other before rolling their eyes. Natsu walked over to the tree where all the "parent bought presents" were and held out a big present. (C/N)'s face lit up and she ran over to the box.

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