Prince!Natsu x Assassin!Reader: Roses (Pt. 2)

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A/N: Hey y'all! Long time, no write 🥲 I'm out of the ICU so I'm starting to get back into a schedule. Which means I'm writing my lil stories again. I tried something a little different for this one, so hopefully you still like it! 🫶


Another day greeted the prince, which means those in the palace were running about. When attendants entered the throne room, they found the prince upside down on his throne in his attempts to pass the time in waiting for his list of duties for the day.

"Prince Natsu, I have your mail for the day. Very sorry it's late today. There was a horrendous mix up in the carriers. Tardiness is unacceptable for your deliveries, your highness. It won't happen again."

Natsu gave the same bright smile that warmed the hearts of all in the Kingdom of Fiore, and, as always, assured the attendants that it was no problem and that there was no reason to apologize so profusely for something as little as mail being late by just a couple hours.

He leaned back in his throne and sighed before sifting through the letters to find one of interest, which was very unlikely in the first place, but one caught his eye. The familiar script was one that he would be able to pick out from anywhere. (Y/N) Dragneel, the Duchess of Magnolia. And, more importantly to the prince, the person he vowed his heart to. An update on her vacation, no doubt. 

Dear Natsu,

To be honest, I don't know how to start this. Perhaps a joke? What do you call a wizard that can only control lizards? It would be Salamancer. That's probably not too good of a joke, but I figured it might just be a little funny since you're the Salamander to the kids around here. We all know how bad I am at jokes though. 

I guess I'll just jump into it then.

From the day I met you, I knew that you would hold a special place in my heart. And I was right. Do you remember that day? I was laced into that horribly uncomfortable dress all night. I don't know if I ever told you, but that was my very first time ever wearing a dress like that. Until that night, all I've ever worn were the various disguises I've acquired over the years, along with my stained clothes that us lower class forest criminals could get our hands on.

You were sulking in the corner when I saw you. Yes, sulking, no matter how many times you deny it. I don't blame you though. You said it was the sixth ball in three months, which is still baffling to me. Though your father is, as I can now easily say, just as stubborn as you are.

You had just been caught trying to leave for your room, no doubt. And Yedrick was definitely the one to drag you back. I made a fool of myself within the first five seconds of knowing you because I had never encountered a door quite like the one that led to the palace garden more than once before. I remember the headache that surfaced when I returned home that night. You didn't make fun of me too bad though. You even complimented me. Apparently, I'm "not all like...clingy," as you so eloquently put it.

I had known you for only a minute at most, but I was there for a purpose - to kill you. The tattoo on my collarbone is my own hellish brand to that past life. I don't think I'll ever be able to bring myself to remove it though. That brand connected me to what family I had - just our small band of assassins living in the woods surrounding the edges of the kingdoms. Given the fact that you are reading this letter right now, we can safely say that I was not able to fulfill that purpose.

You decided to do something so cliché, and I thought that it was absolutely ridiculous. But yet you pulled me into the garden and had our first dance tucked away where nobody could see. Looking back, it probably wasn't even the most cliché thing you've done, which is very impressive, if I do say.

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