Pokemon Go (College AU)

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"No way!"

(Y/N) looked up from her textbook and raised an eyebrow at her roommate.

"What are you screaming about now?"

Natsu beamed before shoving his phone in her face.

"There's a raid and it's a Rayquaza! We totally have to go."

"Natsu, you're supposed to be doing homework. We have midterms next week."

"Studying is for the night before. You should know that by now."

(Y/N) rolled her eyes and shut her book.

"You're not gonna give this up, are you?"

Natsu gave a wide grin and tossed (Y/N)'s phone at her. She easily caught it and opened the app. Natsu looked over her shoulder and groaned.

"Why do you never update your apps? You're so bad at that."

"Unlike you, I study and do work every day. I barely have any time to play."

Natsu took her phone away from her and started updating all the apps.

"Wait! Don't update Spotify. I heard that it fucks up the formatting."

Natsu raised an eyebrow and continued to update everything. He wandered into her room and sat upside down on her bed with his head hanging off the side.

(Y/N) followed him so that she could put away her stuff and laughed when she saw his position.

"You know, you have your own bed in your own room."

"This one's more comfortable," Natsu said simply.

"That's because I bothered to get a decent mattress pad."

"Oh ho ho. Look at you with your fancy eighty dollar mattress pad," Natsu teased.

"It's better than the five dollar one you bought from some shady guy on Craigslist."

"Capitalist propaganda."

"No that's just you being cheap and stupid."

Natsu looked at her accusingly (and upside down) and scolded, "You didn't even update your banking apps. Who's cheap now? When was the last time you even bought something?"

"I've been using the cash I got for my birthday."

Natsu focused on the screen again and smiled when the apps were finished updating. He rolled off the bed and handed (Y/N) her phone before waving her out the door.


"No complaining! The raid starts in ten minutes and it's across campus."

(Y/N) groaned before grabbing her ID and exiting the suite.



"Then why didn't you lock the door?"

"Oh," Natsu chuckled, "forgot about that."

Natsu quickly walked back down the hall to their suite and locked the front door before fast walking back towards the exit. (Y/N) stood in front of the elevator, but Natsu insisted that taking the stairs would be faster.

"We are on the eleventh floor. There's no way in hell—"

"It's just down the stairs, (N/N)," Natsu laughed. "It's not like we're climbing up eleven flights."

(Y/N) grumbled before following him. She called after him when he started running down the stairs as fast as he could.

"Natsu, you're gonna fall and hurt yourself!"

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