Dad!Natsu x Mom!Reader

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Hey everyone! Just a quick note to say that (C/N) means child's name. Enjoy!


"She has a fever."

(Y/N) had left (C/N)'s room holding a thermometer. Natsu walked over to (Y/N) to check the temperature. He looked at the thermometer and saw that it was 100.9 degrees (Fahrenheit).

"Does that number mean we have to rush her to the hospital?" Natsu worriedly asked.

(Y/N) soothed, "She's not quite there yet, Natsu. Usually it's 103 for the hospital."

Natsu let out a breath before going into the bathroom and getting a towel.

"Uh, what are you doing?"

"I'm wrapping her in a towel so her fever goes down."

"Natsu...I don't think that's how that works."

"What are you talking about?" Natsu sassed. "You're supposed to wrap someone in a wet towel to bring the body temperature down."

(Y/N) started giggling at the frantic Natsu and corrected, "I think it's only supposed to be on her head. Get a smaller towel and get it damp and then put it on her forehead."

"Why would it just be on the forehead? That makes no sense!"


"If you put the wet towel around the whole body she will obviously cool down faster."

(Y/N) started to argue with him again when she realized something and wondered, "Natus, are you sure that'll reduce her fever at all? I think it'll just cool her down."

"Well then what the hell are we supposed to do!"


Natsu and (Y/N) whipped their heads to the little girl that stood in the doorway to her room.

"Hey sweetheart. Are you feeling any better?"

"I don't feel good."

Natsu crouched down to (C/N)'s height and gently pat her head.

"Don't worry sweetheart, you'll get better soon."

(C/N) started crying, causing (Y/N) and Natsu to panic.

"Hey," (Y/N) softly spoke, "you're going to be okay. You'll feel better in a couple of days."

"Mommy's right," Natsu assured. "And when you feel better we can go to that all-you-can-eat place in the center of town. How does that sound?"

The little girl seemed to calm down as she asked, "Can we stay as long as we want?"

"Not too long," (Y/N) chided. "You both got really sick last time you went there from eating way too much."

Natsu and (C/N) made eye contact before laughing quietly so that (Y/N) couldn't hear them. Natsu gave his daughter a thumbs up before turning to (Y/N) and promising that they wouldn't stay too long.

(C/N) started to sniffle again, and (Y/N) and Natsu looked back to her sadly. They hated seeing their daughter like this. All they wanted was that she could have a happy and carefree life, so seeing her so miserable brought them sorrow. They looked at each other before (Y/N) squatted down next to Natsu and (C/N). Natsu took one of (C/N)'s hands and (Y/N) took the other. They both squeezed her hand's gently and held them as they both stood up. They swung her arms slowly. (C/N) started to giggle at her parents' silliness.

"Can I have some fish for dinner?" (C/N) suddenly asked.

Natsu grinned and started, "I think that's a--"

(Y/N) gave Natsu a small glare before he could finish. He let out a nervous chuckle.

"Actually, I think we better save fish for a day when you aren't sick. Don't you think?"

(C/N) looked down in disappointment before turning back to her father and asking, "Do you promise that we can have fish when I get better?"


Natsu and (C/N) laughed with each other while (Y/N) looked on fondly.


The little girl looked up at her mother curiously.

"Why don't you go try to get some sleep? We'll be in there in a minute."

"Daddy, are you coming too?"

"Of course! How could I skip out on tucking my little girl in?"

(C/N) smiled brightly before coughing. Natsu and (Y/N) asked her if she was okay and the girl smiled weakly. She turned to Natsu and held her hands up.

"Can you carry me?" (C/N) asked weakly.

Natsu grinned at his daughter before scooping her up. He started lifting her in the air when he heard (Y/N) clear her throat.

"Don't you think that tossing someone who has a fever is a bad idea?"

Natsu grinned sheepishly before holding the girl against her hip.

"My bad."

"Let's go get you into bed, okay?" (Y/N) suggested. "You'll feel better with a lot of rest."


(Y/N) gave a small smile to show that she was listening.

"Can you and Daddy read me a bedtime story? I want to hear about the magic dragons again."

They both smiled before ushering (C/N) into her room. She hopped on the bed and waited for her parents to come. Natsu and (Y/N) took either side of the comforter and dramatically tucked her in so tight that she couldn't move. (C/N) started giggling at her parents before reminding them that they should read a story. After they got halfway through the story, (C/N) fell asleep. Her face was still flushed and they could see that she still felt horrible. Natsu gently held (Y/N)'s hand and tugged her out of the room.

"Are you sure we shouldn't put the towel over her?"

(Y/N) thought for a moment before agreeing. Natsu rushed back to the bathroom before (Y/N) called out to him.

"Not the big one! We're just getting her head."

Natsu x Reader One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora