Natsu x Reader: Hunt [requested]

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First, I want to thank you all for getting this to almost 49K! It really means a lot to me. Thank you to KarinaTorres374 for the request!


"Where the heck is she?" Natsu mumbled as he continued to trek through the forest.

He was currently (and desperately) searching for (Y/N). She hadn't returned to their house, and she had been gone for over a week. Now, it wasn't like he didn't think she would be okay by herself. It was more of the paranoid 'well she might've run into, like, Achnologia' or some shit like that. Just like the rest of Fairy Tail, she had been trapped on Tenrou for seven years, and they all had a run-in with the formidable dragon. Ever since, Natsu had become...worrisome.

"She said she was coming here, but where?"

His nose twitched at the recognition of the familiar smell. Normally, he would never be able to pinpoint the owner of the smells that surrounded him. But hers. That smell would never be forgotten. And he silently thanked his ability in situations like this. His feet quickly took him further into the forest, where the scent had become stronger.

Twigs snapped as he continued to rush in the direction that his nose took him. Anxiety spiked when he started to smell blood.

"Is (Y/N) hurt?"

Natsu's head spun around, but he calmed down when he saw it was Happy.

"When did you get here?"

"That's so mean, Natsu. I've been with you the whole time!"

The dragon slayer apologized, blaming it on the preoccupation with the missing (Y/N). Happy let it go after being promised the rest of the leftover pie that was in the fridge. They both hurried toward the smell, and they had eventually made it to what seemed like the middle of the forest.


He got no answer, so he kept calling her name. Happy joined in, calling out to her and they investigated the area.


"Can I ask why you're here?"

They both turned around, smiling wide when they saw the well-known (H/C) haired wizard. She stood there, arms crossed as she tapped her foot on the ground.

"There you are," Natsu breathed. "Are you hur--"

"Are you telling me that you came all this way from Magnolia because you thought I needed help?"

"Well, yeah."

(Y/N) rolled her eyes and made her way over to the pink haired dragon slayer, and once she got near him, she decided the best course of action was to punch him in the shoulder. The force of the punch caused him to wince, but he knew that she was holding back, tremendously.

"How many times have I told you that I would be fine on solo jobs?"

"You can never be too worried," Natsu quickly countered before he pointed to her arm. "Besides, you're bleeding."

"Natsu smelt your blood from across the forest," Happy added, moving to hover in front of her.

A loud sigh escaped her before she walked over to a tree and leaned against its thick trunk. Natsu was over to her in a second when he saw that she was holding her arm.

"You're hurt."

"It's not that bad, Natsu," she laughed. "I think I can handle a small cut."

"A small cut does not look like that. That's a huge slash right down your shoulder."

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